27Years Later{Pt.1}

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I move the last box from the moving truck, I just recently moved back to Derry.
I moved when I started my junior year of high school, and I had to leave my only friend left. But everyone left Derry way before I did, except Mike.
Hell, even Eddie moved, with his mom of course. She said that he needed to get away from this 'hick town'.
Well, since I've been packing I can already tell Derry has changed.
I never realized how much it changed, until I drove past the Library. It looked so old, but it has been 27 years...
"Twenty Seven years..."I whisper to myself,"why does that sound so familiar?"
I couldn't think of why that sounded so familiar, but I kind of feared the thought. I pulled into the library's new parking lot, hoping to see Mike.
I walk in, the door dings as I do,
"Welcome to the Derry Libra-" I look up st the person talking,"SAM!"
A man runs out from behind that counter and engulfs me in a hug, I pull away looking at him.
"Mike?"I ask.(stranger things!!?!?!??)
"Yes!!!"He says, I smile and he picks me up and spins me.
"I'm so happy you're here!"He says then stops,"why are you here?"
"I moved back!"I say, he smiles wide.
"Thank god! I've been so lonely!"He exclaims, I shush him.
"We are in a Library,"I say looking around,"people come here for quiet."
He chuckles and goes back behind to desk/ counter thing.
"When do you get off?"I ask, walk g to the counter also.
He looks at a clock," In two hours...but we can meet tomorrow...and I...you're probably tired from unpacking."
"Yeah kinda."I sigh.
He frowns a little,"tomorrow it is."
"Yeah, I'll..I'll see you tomorrow."I say, backing out of the Library.
I get in my car and buckle up, but I sit there. Why was he acting so strange? Does he need to tell me something important?
I sigh and start the car, I pull out of the parking lot and head towards the diner. Hopefully it was still here-
Ah yes! It is... (a/n-if you wanna burger- a burger?- get a burger)
I park my car and walk in, a couple heads turn towards me. A strange look appears on their faces and then they go back to eating.
Okay...the towns people have somehow gotten stranger...
I sit down at a booth and they take my order,"the special please?"
"Comin right up!"The boy says, walking back.
I look at the booth I was at, some missing posters are on the table. I look through them, poor kids. That reminds me of when I lived here, except these kids died.
"Here is your food ma'am!"The winter says, putting my food on the both table.
"Thank you!"I say, the smile and walk back into the kitchen.
I eat and read through the missing posters, some of these kids seem similar.
Pick one up, that seemed forever old, like a decade or two.
"George Denbrough...." I say,"where do I know that from?"
I had completely forgotten my childhood, I could barely remember living here. I barely remembered my best friends I had.
I finish and pay for my food, leaving a tip for the waiter. I walk to my car, but it's locked.
"God dammit!"I say, digging in my pockets for my keys.
I find my keys and unlock my car door, as I buckle I see a red balloon behind my car.
Then it all comes back to me,"FUCKING HELL!"
I don't think I've ever driven away from something so fast, I was twenty miles over the speed limit all the way home.
I got out of my car and ran into my house, making sure to lock the door.
That night, I sleep with the lights on, I didn't think I'd be able to sleep. I'd never been more scared in my life, well actually. The coma was pretty fucking scary, and IT...
***********NEXT DAY
"IT is back."

Hi here-
Byyyeee Losers

Exhale {Eddie Kaspbrak} {never finishing}Where stories live. Discover now