{bonus Chapter}

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"Dad, its time to let go..." Naomi says, shifting in her seat.
Eddie sheds a tear,"Shes your mother! How could you say that?"
"She'll be in a better place dad."Naomi says, getting up and walking out of the hospital room.
Eddie looks at Sam's almost lifeless body,"What ever happened to your happy?"
He gets up from his chair, his old knees crackling as he gets up.
"It floated away."Sam whispers, the machines immediately start going haywire.
Sam's eyes rolled in the back of her head, the silence was interrupted by beeping and her rapid whispering.
"You'll float too. You'll float too. You'll float too. You'll flo-" She whisper but stops when her body starts floating up.
She floats above her hospital bed, until her head snaps to the right.
A snapping sound that would haunt Eddie forever, then he watched as she fell back into the bed.
Blood flowing out of her nose, mouth, and ears. He just stood there, motionless.
The machines hooked to her still let off a beat-
Beep... beep... beep... beep...beep
"Dad?"Naomi asks running in,"What are you doing?"
He snaps back to reality, as he looks down to see a broken cup in his hand.
His coffee dropped onto the hospital bed, and also on Sam.
"Eddie! Come on love! That burns!"Sam yells, sending Eddie into a fit.
"BUT- the snap! And then you-" Eddie sputtered out.
He stood there, in the corner, Sam was alive....
"...I'm...I have to go..."He says, rushing out of the room.
He ran to the bathroom which was down the hall, or he rather stumbled.
He stumbled to the mirror and gripped the sides of the sink. His head felt like it was spinning, if you seen his eyes they'd remind you of slot machines.
But instead of all sevens, it'd be full of death.
No one ever found out how Eddie died, but they had some ideas.
Even though he was 68, he was extremely healthy. No one ever expected him to die like that.
"Doctors say it was a heart attack, but I think it was something else."Naomi says,she looks to her 'mother' Sam.
"I walked in there shortly after to check on him, and in his pocket..."Naomi pulls something out of her purse,"Was this popped red balloon."
Everyone gasps, and Beverly starts to cry,"It looks about twenty- something years old..."
Sam puts her head down, mostly because she believes she's guilty for it. She seen the balloon but Eddie was the one to deal with it.
"But I say we forget about it,"Naomi says, everyone sending her strange looks,"Because I sure as hell want to."
Richie smirks at the girls cursing, but a small tear cascades down his cheek.
Ben smiles, though he's drying his eyes with a tissue.
Mike quietly chuckled, before breaking down in sobs.
Beverly just kept crying, even though that lifted her spirits a little.
Bill stayed quiet, reminiscing on past memories.
Stan, rubbed Sam's back trying to comfort her.
And Sam... she was never the same.

I know you guys might not like this but the book had to come to an end somewhere...
Sorry for not updating sooner, I've been really busy with Midterms and other (depressing) things.
I say my sad goodbye in this book-
Good byyyeee Losers

Exhale {Eddie Kaspbrak} {never finishing}Where stories live. Discover now