SuRpRiSe {Bonus Chapter}

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Sam wakes up, drenched in sweat.
Eddie stirs about,"Another nightmare?"
"Yeah... go back to sleep."She whispers, Eddie's head drops back onto the pillow.
She gets up and walks to the kitchen, getting a glass of water. She gulps down the water and wipes her forehead. Her nights have been plagued with either insomnia or nightmares. Both making it hard to stay asleep... sometimes she's afraid to sleep.
"mommy."she hears behind her, San turns around to see Naomi.
She lets out a sigh,"Naomi, go back to bed."
Sam ushers her to back to bed, and tucks the girl in.
"Goodnight Naomi."Sam says, kissing the girls forehead.
"mommy."Naomi repeats,"i can't find mommy."
Sam steps forward,"Sweetie I'm right here! What are you talking about?"
"you aren't my mommy. you are a monster. just like IT says."Naomi whispers, her voice shakey.
"Naomi! Don't say that!"Sam says, in a stern voice.
That hit Sam's soft spot, she isn't a monster!
"YOU AREN'T MOMMY! MOMMY WOULDN'T LEAVE ME!"Naomi yells, her voice getting deeper.
"what?!"Sam whisper as she backs up very quickly.
"MONSTERS DESERVE TO-"Naomi or whatever it is yells.
"float." Naomi whispers as her head snaps back, probably breaking.
She stretches and pops a lot of bones, her arms and legs extending kinda like what happened to Georgie... almost 30
Years ago...
"monsters float mommy,"The demon whispers,"So you'll float too."
   "SAM!WAKE UP!"A voice yells, Sam opens her eyes to see Eddie shaking her.
Sam springs out of bed and checks on Naomi, who lay in bed sleeping. She backs out slowly and heads back to her room, Eddie stands frozen.
"I'm sorry,"She says,"Another nightmare."
Eddie sighs, and pulls her into a hug,"Babe, we gotta get it checked out."
She sighs,"Yeah I know."
  Eddie rubs her back and then they lay down, the lights off but something stands out.
In the corner, a shiny balloon floats about.
"Like I said,"A voice whispers,"You'll float too."
this is a cooool-ish-
I know it's short I'm sorry!! It's just a bonus chapter anyways so yeah...
But enjoyyy
Byyyeee Losers

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