Chapter 2

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Recap from last chapter:

"W-wings..." The girl pointed over my shoulder.



"W-wings?!" The girl was going to scream before Noah placed a hand over her mouth.

"Listen, my job here is to take care of you if you need help. So help me if any other people find out I'm an angel, I'll be screwed, got that?" Noah proceeded by shaking her a bit.

The girl nodded her head, in fear.

"Why don't you talk so much?" Noah asks.

"Because I don't want... People to know how I feel..." Ally let her bangs cover her face as she wept. A panicked Noah, trying to comfort her.

"P-please don't cry! I don't know what to do when girls cry!" He frantically begged her. Making her laugh a bit.

"S-sorry, it's hard to keep my emotions in check... Pathetic, huh?" Ally tucked her bangs back into place before sitting in the grass, followed by Noah.

"It's never really been like this. I mean, they never started bullying me till both of our fathers died." The girl said dully.

"I don't quite understand"

"You see, the leader of the group,right? Well, her father and my father were never really in good terms. Both socialites in the hardware industry, they were competitors for the top spot. My father hired a mercenary to kill the enemy's business. But the mercenary misinterpreted to: Kill the enemy. What my father didn't know was that, the bully's father sent the same boy, to kill mine. They were both killed in the same day, on the same hour, of the same time."

Ally drew a breath before continuing.

"The girl's mother, was in spite for what my father targeted. So she told lies to her daughter, lies about how I told my father to kill hers, and that my father grew mad and committed suicide." She drew another ragged breath and said

"To think those girls used to be my best and only friends.... I'm hopeless" The girl stood up, only to be collapsing, as she was already weak. Noah caught her, and brought the helpless girl home.

"I'll make sure they won't bother you.." He turned his back on the sleeping girl, eyes shut with a small smile.

He grinned then flew off. Breaking something along the way.

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