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I woke to the sound of people talking loudly and beeping noises. "Miss? Hello?" A woman's voice said. I opens my eyes and didn't recognise the surroundings. "Good, you're awake" the nurse says. I looks around. I'm in hospital. I look down at my arm and it's in a cast. "Nasty accident you were in."
I wiggle my fingers. "Your arm's broken, that's the only serious injury." I drag my legs over the bed and then jump down. "I want to go home." I say, my voice coming out groggy and dry. she stares at me. "I don't-" "I want to go home, now" I say again, trying to raise my voice but it breaks making me cringe. She nods. "Okay, yeah uh you're not supposed to but I'm not going to argue, if you wanna leave go right ahead" she says then walks out. I roll my eyes and walk out too. I go down the long corridor until I get to the lift. I go in and press the ground floor. I watch as the numbers go down then stop at 6. The doors open. Nobody's waiting at the door but they're sad little kid in a wheelchair holding a piece of paper. I step out of the elevator and hear the doors close behind me. "Do you need help?" I ask looking around for a nurse or doctor. The halls were empty. "Where's your parent's?" I ask getting closer. He stays silent. I get up to the boy and crouch down. He holds out the picture. "Is this for me?" I ask. He nods. I take the picture from him. It has a red smiley face on it. I could see something on the back of it too. I turn it around and after seeing what on the back I quickly told it to the ground. Clowns...the store... why are the police not here? Where's all the doctor? I look at the boy, he begins to laugh. I walk backwards way from him until my back meats the hard metal of the lift. I slid down it and hug my knees. They're here. They're going to kill me. "Hello?" I shout. I look back to where the boy was and tears spill from my eyes once I see he's not there. I stare down the corridor, it seems like it goes on forever. I stand and and almost fall back down from the shaky ness of my legs. I slowly crept down the hall. The more I went down the darker it got. The only noise that could've hear was the sound of my feet padding against the cold floor. "Hello?" I croak. Silence. As I walk along I try open doors but they're all locked, except one, at the end off the hall. I open the door slowly and enter.
Once I realise what room I'm in I turn to open the door, but it locked. I bang on the door. "Let me out!" I scream. I take deal Breaths. "It's okay, it's okay, it's okay?" I mumble to myself. I slowly turn around and am met with the horrible sigh of an operating table.

Flash back

"You're going to be fine baby, they'll put you to sleep, you won't feel a thing and when you wake up we can go get ice cream" my mom smiled.

I frown, "I'm scared." She brushes a piece of hair out of my face a puts it behind my ear. "You'll do great, Day."

Doctors came into the room and my mom gripped my hand. "Okayy, so here's what's going to happen" the doctor said sweetly, clearly fake. "We're going to put this mask over your face and then I'll need you to found back from ten and probably before you even reach the you'll be asleep and won't feel a thing." I looked at my mom and she smiled and kissed my head. He put the mask over my head and my eyes widen. "Relax, it's fine...can you start counting for me."


"That should do it" the doctor says. Why are they taking away the mask? I'm not asleep! I try open my eyes but they stay closed. I try open my mouth to let them know but I can't. 'I'm still awake!' I scream but it only heard in my head. I heard my mom get up and leave. 'Mom! I'm still awake! Tell them I'm still awake!' She doesn't hear me and walks through the doors. I hear the metal being moved around. I begin to scream. Nobody hears. He puts the scalpel against my arm before dragging it across. I felt everything.

Flash back over

Tears fall from my eyes and drip down my chin, making my shirt wet. I close my eyes. "Its okay."
The speakers screech before the music that I knew too well began to play, the one that played while the clowns attacked. "Help!" I scream banging on the door. It unlocked. I sprinted out. I ran towards the elevator. I frantically pressed on the button, looking over my shoulder. The doors open and I take one more glance behind me while running in. I connect with something making me fall backwards. I look up and scream. It's the clown that was on the scooter in the store! "Leave me alone!" I scream and pull myself away using my one arm. He slowly walks towards me. I get up and run.down the corridor. "I'm going to die I'm going to die I'm going to die" I mumble repeatedly to myself. I get back to the room I was just in. I sprint in and push a drawer up agains the door. What does he want with me? Why me? Why here?!
Why train of thought was interrupted by the sound of toy clown like laugh. I quickly turn and and am met with the other two clowns from the store standing behind The surgery table. "Oh fuck..." I say. They both walk towards me. One grabs me by the arms while the other moves the drawer. I try push him away but he's too strong. He drags me over to the table and slams on onto on it then ties down my hands and legs. "N-no Stop! Please let me go! Let me fucking go!" I sob. The other clown strolls in. I put my head back and try control my breathing. I'm going to be fine. This is a nightmare, a sick, twisted, stupid fucking nightmare. I'm going to wake up, at home. The clown walks over to me. He touches my face and I spit at him. I need him laugh. He turns to the other two clowns and nods his head towards the door, they both leave, leaving just the both of us in the room. He looks at the tray full of tools then picks up the scalpel. "No! Don't! Help!" I scream and pull agains the grips. He lowers the knife to my stomach and the stares at me. He leans really close to me and one of his many long noses pokes me in the eyes. He drags it across my stomach making me scream. "Stop!" I sob. I wipes some of the blood pouring from the wound with his finger and wipes it on my head. I try and head but him but because of his mask it doesn't affect him. He continues to draw lines across my stomach each time making me scream louder. I finally pass out.

"Are you okay?! Hello?!" I spring up. I look around, I'm back in the first room I was In. I look down at my arms and find that one of them are in a cast. "God you scared me" the nurse. It was the same one. A tear falls, "H-How long was I asleep?" I ask. "2 days, you hit your head pretty bad.." she says. "I-I want to go home.." I say quietly. "Well you seem to be doing fine, I'll be right back" she says stepping out. I take this time to get my thoughts together. Thats was a dream? That couldn't be- It's was too...real. "Okay, you're free to go but if you start to have any headaches or pains makes sure to come straight back here" she says then leaves. "Wait!" I shout, she comes back in and gives me a questioning look. "C-can you walk me downstairs...please" I mumble. "Uh, sure" she says. I jump off the bed and we both walk towards the elevator. She presses the button and it's opens straight away. She presses the ground floor and steps back. The light stops at five and I swear it was like my heart jumped right out my chest. "No no no no" I say backing myself up agains the wall wishing I could just sink into it. "Are you okay?" She asks. The doors open and I close my eyes tightly and I've my ears. The nurse tries to calm me down. "Look, nothing wrong!" I couldn't hear her faintly. I take a deep breath before opening one eye. Doctors and nurses ruck busily from room to room. "See.." she says, worry clear in her voice. The doors close again then after a few seconds open again, revealing the ground floor. "Y-you can leave me now.." I mumble. The nurse grabs my arm lightly making me flinch. "Are you sure you're going to be okay?" She asks. "I'm fine" I try say confidently. She goes over to the receptionist, she gets a piece of paper and then writes on it then come back over. "If you need anything, just call me" she says handing me the piece of paper. I nod at her then walk out the doors.

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