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"I'm sorry Ryan!" I sob and fall to my knees. "Look at you, your disgusting! Seriously Look at yourself Dayna! Your a mess" he spat.
Ryan is my boyfriend for 11 months, almost a year. Sometimes he can get a little annoyed and he doesn't hit me much, I don't blame him for hating me, it's all my fault. "Fucking clowns? You're a fucking lunatic!" He raises his hand but groans and puts it into a Fist and puts it down. "I'm done..." He says simply. "You're too much-this" he points to me then him, "is too much" he says then grabs his phone off the table and walks out the door, slamming it behind him. "Don't leave me..." I whisper.
I sit there for an hour...or two...waiting for him to come back. Every time I hear a car my heart stops but the door never opens. I finally give up all hope, he's not coming back. I stand up and walk up stairs. I go into the bathroom and turn on the shower. I stood in there for what seemed like hours but in reality it was only 20 minutes. I sighed, feeling sorry for myself. I rely on other people. I've never been alone. I've went straight from living with my mom to living with Ryan. The though of being alone terrifies me. What if that's how I'm supposed to end up, Alone. I have no friends, my mom, she's dead. now Ryan's gone too. I'm alone. A tear fell but it blended in with the res of the water flowing down my face, soon spilling down the drain. Taking one last deep breath, I turn off the water and step out of the shower. I wrap a towel around my body and go into my bedroom. I leave my hair down to dry by itself and throw on the nearest thing to me (one or Ryan's old shirts and pyjama bottoms with monkeys on them) I go downstair and grab the my phone. I order a pizza then sit on my couch. After about ten minutes the doorbell rings making me jump. I lazily drag myself up and grab twenty dollars from my bag and answer the door. "Hi, ma'm or miss I know what to say, everything seems to offend now a days.." I look up to find the a man, the first thing I notice is his blue hair. "Your the guys who got beat up by that group, aren't you..." he smiles and nods. "That's me." It goes silent. I find it strange howWe've never met before and now here is he, standing at my door. How did he get my address. Maybe he's going around the neighbourhood. "Is there a Uh reason you came or..." "ah yes, I'm running for city council. My hope is that I can get elected and be known and remembered as the man who can make changes in this town rather than the one who was beaten and humiliated.." he takes a card out of his pocket and hands it to me. I study it. It has his name and number on it. "You see, you need to give a humiliated man a way to redeem himself in his own eyes, or he's a risk to be drawn into darkness...like Germany, after World War One" He smiles. I give him a confused look and sigh. He opens his mouth to talk but is interrupted by the pizza guy walking up my driveway. I smile at him and hand him the twenty and he hands me the pizza. I tell him to keep the change and he gives me one last smile before walking away. I look at the pizza then back at Kai. "I don't think I can eat this pizza by myself, wanna come in?" I ask. Usually I would never invite a stranger into my home, I just really need someone to talk to. "Sure" He smiles and takes a step in.
I throw my last bit of pizza back in the box and lie back in the couch. When Kai came in he kept on looking at my cast, wanting to ask about it but I always changed the subject and shrugged it off. How was I supposed to tell him I was attacked by clowns in a store and a hospital and fearing everyday that they're going to come back and finish me off...I think I'd sound a bit too...crazy. "Okay, but just think as this as one step closer to...wait for it...world domination!" He jumps up and puts his fist in the air. I giggle. "World domination huh, you really wanna go that far." He stares at me and smiles widely. "Of course!" I laugh again. We sat there for a while before Kai stands up and tells me he's has to go. "So soon?" I groan. He laughs. "It's 8 o'clock, I've been here for hours. I really have to go, my sister must be worried sick." I sigh and show him to the door. I wave him goodbye and watch as he walks down the road.

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