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All my life I've been searching for happiness and stability. Things are finally leveling out. My relationships are steady, my schoolwork isn't terrible, and my place isn't too shabby either.

I unlocked the door to the apartment I shared with Jack and Eric and plopped onto the couch. I was too lazy to go to bed. I folded my hands behind my head and kicked my feet up on the coffee table; it's comfortable here. Could I be comfortable elsewhere?

I've always been a thinker, if something was on my mind, I couldn't push it aside. My thoughts have brought me a lot of sleepless nights; this may be another.

Am I unhappy where I am in life? I'm not discontent, really; but, I'm not on cloud nine either.

The thought of there being something more to my mundane life was thrilling. Here in Pennsylvania it was the same old thing everyday. School, work, sleep, repeat. In Calfornia, every single day would be a new adventure.

I've always believed that there is always something more to life, and that you just have to be willing to go find it. Perhaps stepping forward wouldn't be as much giving up the life I have here as it would be expanding onto it. I'm not sure.

Although I don't remember falling asleep, I must have, because I woke up to the sound of the garbage disposal. It was Eric, getting rid of the last of his soggy cereal.

I made my way to the kitchen and sat up on the counter, "Eric, do you think I'm completely crazy?" I honestly don't know why I asked Eric that question.

"As crazy as crazy gets." He answered while pouring coffee into a batman sippy cup.

"Riiight." I replied sarcastically as I watched him add cream to his coffee and stir it vigorously with a fork.

"Why? Do you think you're crazy?" He asked while twisting the lid onto his cup and taking a sip of coffee.

"I don't know," I shrugged, "Maybe..." I spared Eric the details of my situation. I didn't figure he'd really understand anyway. He tilted his head at me.

"You know what?" I jumped down from the counter, "Forget it." I told him. I didn't really want to talk to him anyway.

After a quick look at myself in the mirror, I decided I still looked sharp in yesterday's outfit, so I fixed my hair, pulled on my leather jacket and headed out of the apartment.

I'm usually pretty aware; but, this morning is making it hard for me to believe that I'm not going crazy. I ran smack into Cory on my way into the classroom.

"Watch where you're going, punk!" He joked as he picked his book up off the floor.

"Sorry." I wasn't in the mood for goofing off, otherwise I probably would have had a really good comeback.

"What's the matter, Shawnie?" Cory asked. I could hear the sympathy in his voice. I shook my head, implying that I was fine. "Well, you know you can always talk to me." He reassured me, knowing I would eventually.

I'm not one to really share my feelings with others. I like to bottle everything up until I absolutely have to let it out, and when I do, it's usually not verbally, I write almost everything that goes on in my mind down. I've become close enough to Cory to be able to tell him things, though.

Cory went and sat behind his wife. As he began to braid a few small strands of her hair, Mr. Feeny came in to start this morning's lecture, so I took my seat.

I didn't listen to a word Feeny said. My mind was everywhere else. I only had until the day after tomorrow to either accept or decline my job offer, so I really had to make up my mind.

I really need to pay attention once in a while. The entire classroom emptied out, and before I could even notice, Mr. Feeny approached my seat.

"Mr. Hunter, are you aware that I called on you twice and you continued to stare into outer space?" He questioned me with a disapproving glare.

"Yeah, no, sorry." I sat up from how I was slouching in my seat. "I've just got a lot on my mind right now..."

"Anything that is interfering with your education is something that must be explained." He sat down next to me, awaiting an explanation.

I didn't want to tell Mr. Feeny about my fear of what I would lose here if I left. So I just took a few minutes to explain the job offer I got and how I wasn't so sure about it.

"Well," He adjusted his glasses and turned to look at me a bit more straight on, "it looks like you've got an extraordinary choice to make, here." I knew that already, but I nodded anyway. "What do you choose?" He asked.

"I don't know..." I sighed, completely clueless

"Life is full of opportunities, Mr. Hunter. It's up to you to decide which ones are worth seizing and which ones are worth leaving behind." Mr. Feeny stood up and headed toward his own desk, where he continued sorting papers.

Mr. Feeny has never been one to give direct advice. He really likes us to figure things out on our own. I don't know how to figure anything out on my on.

Before leaving, I thanked him, I didn't know what I was thanking him for, it seemed appropriate, though. He told me it was always a pleasure to attend to the needs of a student.

I wandered the halls of the university aimlessly for a good twenty minutes. The thought of leaving this school didn't bother me. I'm not fond of it much at all. I was actually more than ready to leave here.

I've made up my mind. It'll hurt Cory, it'll hurt Angela, but this is my life, and if I'm ever going to get anywhere, I'm going to have to stop letting myself be controlled by the feelings of others.

I've made up my mind, I'm going to California. I'm ready for this!

"Parting Ways"- A Boy Meets World Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now