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I've been awake for hours, but when I noticed the sun start to rise. I got up and went out to the balcony.

I watched the sun rise over the already buzzing city. Philadelphia is big, but LA is huge. I keep telling myself that I'm going to like it here eventually.

I didn't stay outside long. Simply because I'm supposed to meet my employer in an hour, and I look like I haven't slept in a month.

I splashed my face with some cold water to try and get myself to wake up a little bit. It didn't work very well. It just got the little pieces of hair that hang in my face wet. I combed out my hair and buttoned a nicer shirt over the Pennbrook t-shirt I already had on.

I probably should have given myself more time, since I don't really know where anything is.

I gathered my folder of pictures, my camera, my phone and my wallet and left the room. Making sure to lock it behind me, I don't know what kind of creeps are around here.

17B; I wrote on my hand with a sharpie so I wouldn't forget my room number.

I set a GPS on my phone to take me to where I needed to be, I walked. Four blocks, turn left. Three blocks, cross the street, turn right. Two more blocks. Second building on the right, third floor, fifth door on the left. I'll never remember this.

I stopped in front of the door before I entered and took a deep breath.

Here I am...

Here we go...

I pushed the door open and stepped an office, I was the only one here.

Am I in the wrong place? Is this not where I need to be? Idiot. What kind of idiot goes to the wrong place on the first day, what kind of impression would that make.

"Ambitious, are we?" A voice from behind me speaks.

I jump, it reminded me of my dream the night before. I turn around and see a thin woman, who couldn't be any older than thirty, with wavy mousy brown hair that hangs over her shoulders and a kind smile across her face.

"Calm down, kid." She says. Her voice is smooth, it's kind of comforting.

I take a deep breath.

"Hi." I collected myself as stood up a little straighter.

"You must be Shawn." She offered her hand to me. I shook it. "I've been looking forward to meeting you."

"Are we on a first name basis already?" I joke. I'm not really comfortable, I'm very tense, but if I joke, maybe it'll hide my anxiety.

"Sure, why not?" The woman said, her eyes find mine. "I'm Jen."

"Sup, Jen?"

Too casual?

She giggled. "Not much, Sup with you?"

Okay. Not too casual.

"Well if you haven't noticed," I ran my and through my hair. "I'm kind of here for a little bit more information about what you're wanting me to do."

"Oh yes!" Jen exclaimed. "Of course. Have a seat." She sat on one side of the desk and motioned toward the seat in front of her.

I sat on the edge on the chair, so I could get up quickly if I needed to. I'm just a skeptical person, and Jen's kind demeanor has me wondering.

I sit my folder and my camera on the desk in front of me.

Jen takes the folder and starts flipping through it.

"Impressive." She states without looking at me. "The few you sent me over the emails were awesome, but these are outstanding. I'm really excited to see what you can do for us."

I nod.

Jen then explains basically everything I already know about the job. Despite a few things, like trying to steer away from celebrities, since this is actual news and not a teen gossip magazine.

I kind of hoped I'd get a one on one interview with T-Swift. Oh well.

We talked for a while. I asked a few questioned. We covered what needed to be covered and then we were done.

"Thank you for coming in so early." Jen said after I stood. "I actually had to pry myself out of bed to get here." She laughed.

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah, I am not a morning person."

"Good to know. I won't mess with you until afternoon, then."

Jen flashed me a smile, "Appreciated.- So how are you liking LA so far? You just flew in yesterday, right?"

"Right." I answer the latter question.

"So you like it thus far?" She asks again.

"I don't really know the city, y'know.. I'm sure it's great. I'm liking it just fine." I lied. I'm actually not liking it much at all. It's kind of overwhelming.

"That's good." Jen says. "We'll give you a few days to explore the city a bit, so you can get used to it, and then we'll get you started, sound good?"

"Sounds good." I agree, but I'll probably never get used to LA the way I'm used to Philadelphia.

"Okay!" Jen clapped her hands together as she stood up. "Well I am going to go get some breakfast and I will see you soon. Okay?"

"Okay." I gather my few things and leave.

This can't be that bad, right? It's the job I've always wanted. It'll be good as soon as I actually get started. I know it. I know it.

I don't know it.

"Parting Ways"- A Boy Meets World Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now