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I parked and made my way inside. The hallway was dark and very quiet, it had this creepy vibe about it. The floor creaked beneath my feet as I stepped off the elevator approached Cory and Topanga's door.

I knocked. I'm not one to knock. Usually I swing the door open and say something along the lines of "Honey, I'm home!" Knocking gave me a moment to mentally prepare myself for the conversation to come.

It wasn't too late at night, but the Matthews aren't up late. I wondered if they were asleep already. As I reached for the door knob, it turned, and Cory opened the door, dressed in blue checkered Pajamas. His eyes went from tired to very alert in a matter of seconds.

"Shawnie! Hi!" He stepped out of the doorway. "Come in, come in. Welcome to la casa de Matthews." He motioned me indoors and closed the door behind me.

"What brings you here so late?" He asked. I glanced at the clock that read 9:25. I opened my mouth to answer, but by then Cory was talking again. "Is it Eric? Is Eric driving you insane?"

"Well, actually-"

"Topanga come out here. Shawn's here!"

Topanga emerged from the hall, dressed in the same pajamas as Cory, despite being a different shade of blue.

"Hey Topanga.." I raised my hand in a wave as I sat on the couch.

"So what it is, Shawn, why are you here?" He waited for a second before speaking again "Not that I don't want you here! I love it when you're here. This is just an abnormal hour and I'm kind of sleepy."

"Well, Cory, I really need to talk to you."

"Do you want some hot tea? I'll make us some hot tea." Topanga started to make tea and I wondered if I'd ever get more than a few words in. Dang, these Matthews.

I'm not a fan of hot tea, but I accepted the steaming cup Topanga offered me anyway.

"So what brings you here, my Shawn?" Cory asked, sitting right next to me. He's always so close, I scooted over just a little bit to keep our shoulders from bumping.

Topanga sat herself on my other side and sipped on her tea.

"How do you guys feel about Los Angeles?" I asked.

"Never been there, why?" Cory's so oblivious. I was hoping he would remember the job I was offered in LA, instead, he's going to make me explain.

I sighed and went on. "Do you remember the job I was offered a little while ago?"

"Oh yeah!" Topanga exclaimed. "Cory told me about that. That and how he planned on calling them up as you and denying it."

"Topanga!" Cory snapped, I guess wasn't supposed to know that. "I didn't though! I didn't!"

"I know you didn't, Cory; Because I-" I sipped my tea, leaving my sentence unfinished.

"You what?" Cory asked, scooting closer again and leaning in, just inches away from my face. "You what, Shawnie? You whaaat?" He took my cup of tea from me and set it on the coffee table. "Answer me!" The anticipation was killing him.

"I decided to accept the job." I answered, it felt like ripping off a bandage.

I looked from Cory, who had set back a little, to Topanga, who had rid her hands of her cup of tea as well. Neither of them knew what to say.

"I leave tomorrow." I broke the extended silence.

"You can't possibly be serious!" Cory stood up and leaned down to talk to me. "Shawn! You told me you weren't going anywhere!"

"Parting Ways"- A Boy Meets World Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now