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I dream I'm standing in an alley. Chills run down my spine, I recognize this alley. I need to get out of here.

A blood curdling scream rises in the distance. I start running; Deeper into the alley, toward the danger. My heart thumping against my chest. I'm low on breath.

I am not a runner.

My feet come to a sudden halt beneath me; and before I can register what's going on, a bright light flicks on. I shield my eyes and squint, trying to see what's on the other side of the light.

My eyes adjust for the most part, and though I'm still squinting, I walk forward.

It's completely quiet now, I can hear my own heartbeat, it's beating faster and faster as I walk.

Something is wrong.

Another scream, louder, but I can't register exactly where it's coming from.

I scan the area; moving slowly so I don't provoke anything.

The light is hot on my face, I'm sweating now.

The scream turns into my name.


I jump and turn around at my name. Where it is coming from?

"SHAWN!!" I hear again, and this time, I recognize the voice.


I'm running again. I'm not sure where to, but I'm running..

I try to yell back, to let Angela know that I'm coming for her, but I'm silent. I can't scream.

Where is she?

I hold my breath as I run down the alley. It seems to never end.

I fall backwards, catching myself on my elbows.

I stand up and walk forward, searching the ground for what I could've tripped on.

Smack! My head hits an invisible barrier. With the light bright behind it, I can't see what is beyond the clear wall.

"SHAWN!!!" the scream comes again.

"ANGELA!" I can finally yell back, though I'm gasping for air.

The light dims, and my eyes fixate. I realize what I'm looking at... Angela.... held against the wall of an old brick building by her wrists by a figure in a dirty red sweatshirt, the hood pulled up so I can't tell who he is.

I bang my fists against the invisible wall, screaming for her to be let go.

"They can't hear you." A voice from behind me speaks.

I turn to see who the voice is coming from.

A shadow in darkness behind me emerges. I strain my eyes to make out who it belongs to.


"I knew this would happen." She chokes on her words as she begins to walk circles around me.

"What do you-" I start.

"Don't speak." She cuts me off.

"But, Angela-"

"I know." Topanga says, her lip is busted, blood runs down her chin.

"What's going on?" I ask.

"If you'd shut up for a moment, I'd tell you." She snaps back.

I nod, as if to tell her to go on.

"This was expected. As soon as you left, everything changed..." She stopped circling me and faced the transparent wall, tears flooding her eyes.



I stand beside her and look back to Angela.

Angela is on the ground now, cowering. Her whole body shakes, I can tell she's crying. I feel the tears heat up behind my eyes as I watch her, helpless.

"No. Look." Topanga says and points at the figure in the red sweatshirt. With his head lowered, facing Angela, and his arms crossed, I can't tell who he is...

Topanga taps on the wall and he turns toward us, without looking up. The overhead light paired with his hood is shadowing his face. He steps closer, so I step back. Topanga grabs my arm and pulls me back to where I was.

The figure lifts his head. My eyes widen when I recognize the blood smeared face.


There is a gash on his forehead, new. The blood from it runs over his eye, but it doesn't seem to phase him. He stares at me, eyebrows furrowed, scowling.

Topanga reaches out her hand, and so does Cory. But we're moving farther and father away from each other, quickly, though our feet stay planted. Topanga and I move in the opposite direction of Cory and Angela.

"SHAWN!!!!" Angela screams once more.


I jump awake, breathing heavily. I wipe beads sweat from my forehead and glance at the clock. It's three in the morning, but there is no way I'll be able to sleep again.

I rise to my feet, feeling unsteady. My heart beats fast.

I make my way to my bags, that, since I never unpacked, are sitting next to the door still.

I grab my phone from one of the side pockets of my bag and sit on the floor, my back against the wall. I check my phone for new messages. Only one.

I opened the message that I had received at 11 pm.

"Hey Shawn Hunter its Meg. Hope you get settled easily. TTYL :)"

Did I give Meghan my number? I don't remember, but I saved her into my contacts anyway and left her on read.

"This was expected." Dream Topanga's voice echoed in my mind.

What did that mean? What was expected?

I shook my head.

You're delusional, Shawn. I told myself.

It was just a dream.

My hands are shaking.

It was just a dream!

My heart is pounding.

It was just a dream!!

My tears are flowing.


My mind is screaming.

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