World Meetings, Pictures, and Beer

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You wanna know what I don't understand? Why does America keep inviting me to the world meetings? I'm not a country and I can't exactly contribute to this except for occasionally catching a few thrown items, chairs, or people. Yes, people. Britain won't stop throwing France across the room like the first meeting I attended. So I've had to save him (and the wall) a number of times over the past 4 weeks.

"Britain, I swear to god! Stop throwing things!" I shouting, forgetting I was still holding France bridal style after catching him. After looking down and realizing he was still there, I set him down on his feet and sat down in my seat, tired. That was the 3 time this meeting I had to jump up and catch something.

"I'll only stop when he," shouted Britain, pointing at France," stops being a pervert!"

"I'm not a pervert!" France shouted back. He walked over to Britain and they began arguing again. I put my head in my hands and started massaging my temples. A hand began rubbing my back.

"It's a-ok, (Y/N)! They're-a always like this! Not even Germany can make them stop," I looked up at Italy. He was giving me a wide, but comforting smile. I returned the smile and sat up again.

"Thank you, Italy," I said.

"It's-a no problem!" He said and then bounced back over to Germany and Japan. As little as he did, he really did help. But that doesn't mean the Britain and France have stopped bickering. Completely tired of their bullshit, I stood up, walked over to them, and smacked their skulls together.

"I swear, you two argue like an old married couple," I've used this line more times than I can count. It's an easy way to get people to stop arguing.

"We do not!" said Britain, rubbing his head where it collided with France. They had both stood up by now and were slightly red in the face. France and I sat down in our seats and Britain continued the meeting.

~Time skip brought to you by some light FrUk~

"(Y/N)? (Y/N)!"

I jolt awake. Wow, I didn't even realize I had fallen asleep. I looked around the room to see everyone gone except for Italy, Germany, and Japan. Wow. Even America left me. I stood up and gathered myself.

"Sorry, you guys. I didn't mean to fall asleep," I said, blushing slightly.

"It's alright. How are you going to get home?" asked Germany. Then it hit me. America left without me, "Shoot. One moment," I pulled out my phone and dialed America's number. No answer. I tried again. Still not answer.

"Is everything alright?" I turned to back to the Axis.

"Yeah. America's not picking up his phone. I guess I'm running home!" I turned to leave but was stopped when Germany put a hand on my shoulder.

"No, you're not. There have been reports of attacks around the area and you apparently forgot you were wearing a dress," I looked down at my outfit. It was not too fancy, but not completely casual either. It was an A-line skater skirt dress with a white and navy striped top and navy skirt. He's right. America had convinced me to wear a dress today and I was in no condition to run right now. But I don't remember any reports about attacks, "You can ride home with us."

I blushed at the thought. I guess it was the only way to get home anytime soon, "Ok! Thank you," I replied with a nod and followed them out to their car.

The car ride home was... different. I had expected the axis to talk among themselves or stay quiet and I would look out the window, silent. Well, it started that way. Every once in a while, I would hear a snicker or giggle from Italy or Japan. They were sitting across from Germany and I (The car is set up so the first and second row are facing each other and they are being driven around) I was still sleepy from falling asleep in the meeting so I didn't think anything of it. Eventually, from the gentle hum of the engine and the quietness of everyone, I fell back asleep.

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