Why can't I have a normal morning?

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I woke up to the sunlight in my eyes. I groaned a little and turned to my side, only to be met with a sleeping Italy. I panicked and sat straight up, trying to remember why he was here. Then I remember last night. Italy ran into my room, yelling about some nightmare, and the only way to quiet him (cause I didn't want to wake anyone else) was to allow him to sleep with me. I poked his nose lightly, trying to wake him up. That didn't work so I just slipped out of bed and got dressed for the day. My outfit consisted of black, high-rise skinny jeans, my fuzzy, red "Enjoy Coke" sweatshirt, and red high-top converse. I looked back over at Italy, still sleeping. I walked back over to him.

"Italy," I said, softly, "wake up," he stirred a little. I sighed, grabbed my phone from the nightstand, and left the room quietly.

Upon entering the kitchen, I saw Germany cooking dinner.

"Morning, Germany," I said.

"Guten Morgen, (Y/N)," He replied, not turning away from the stove. I looked over his shoulder to see him mixing around sliced ham in a pan. The oven dinged and he stepped away to grab the food. He put on oven mitts and grabbed a tray of rolls out of the oven. They smelled heavenly. Germany transferred the rolls onto a plate and the ham into a large bowl.

"Have you seen Italy this morning? I went to wake him up before starting breakfast and he wasn't in his room," Germany asked, still focused on cooking breakfast.

"Yeah. He ran into my room last night, screaming about a nightmare, so I let him sleep with me. I think he's still in there. I can go get him if you want," I responded. He seemed slightly wary of having Italy and I sleeping in the same bed, but it's not like we did anything.

I opened the door to my room to see Italy still asleep. I checked the time on my phone. 6:54. I gently shook the Italian awake.

"Mm... Buongiorno, (Y/N)~ " said sleepy Italy.

"Good morning, Italy. Time to wake up. It's almost 7 and Germany made breakfast," Surprisingly, that was all it took to get him to wake up. He threw back the covers and walked slowly out the door back to his bedroom. Luckily for me, he was wearing his pajamas and we all know that is a blessing. While walking back to the kitchen, I saw Japan exiting his room. (FYI: when they are talking in Japanese, I will be using Romanji.)

"Ohayo, Japan," I greeted.

"Konichiwa, (Y/N)-chan. How are you?" He responded as we walked to the kitchen together.

"I'm doing well, thank you," Our brief conversation consisted of discussing our favorite animes and mangas. When I first met Japan, I thought he was a man of few words. As I got to know him, that remained true. But he can be very talkative when discussing things he loves. He soon quieted down as we entered the kitchen.

I was hoping breakfast could have been peaceful, but luck wasn't on my side. Roughly 5 minutes after everyone had finished, the door burst open and we saw France running through, yelling for help. I was ready to chase after him and knock some sense into him when Britain ran in and I heard Germany yell my name before I was enveloped in a cloud of smoke.

When the smoke cleared, I noticed I was significantly shorter than before. By nearly my entire height. I opened my eyes and looked down, curious as to why I was so much shorter.

Why me?

It turns out that the cloud of smoke came from a spell Britain cast. He meant to hit France and make him stop running, but it hit me instead.

And turned me into a cat.

More specifically a ragdoll cat, with blue eyes, white fur, and grey colored markings around my face, paws, ears, and tail.

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