I've Had The Time of My Life

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Really quick: this is Natasha!

Really quick: this is Natasha!

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"So explain to me what happened again?" Natasha asked.

"I got into a fight with a few friends, my pride got the best of me, so I ran," I sighed.

"Ah, that's right. We've been through this before. By the way, here's your tea," Can I say I love Tasha? She keeps a small stash of my favorite tea in her kitchen solely for when I come over.

"So who are these friends of your's, anyway?" I wasn't sure how to respond. According to Tasha, the personifications are basically celebrities. As she puts it, "They're the freaking personalities! Who doesn't know them?!" Apparently, me. So, you didn't know who they were? Yeah. And you manage to make friends and move in with them?! Yeah. Pretty much. Jealous, much? (muahahaha. I know this never happens. Deal)

We kept talking and catching up on lost time for about 20 minutes before we heard a knock on the door. I looked out the window and saw Germany, Italy, Japan, and Prussia. I didn't see Romano anywhere and I guess Prussia decided to tag along.

"Nope. You answer it," I said before walking off and hiding in the hallway. I peeked around the corner and watched Tasha answer the door.

"Hello?" she asked.

"Hallo. We are looking for our friend, (Y/N). Have you seen her?" asked Germany. I saw Italy freaking out in the back. I forgot that Tasha knew about the personalities so to say she seemed a little star-struck that four of the personalities kinda just showed up at her front door was an understatement.

"Uh, yeah, she's-" Tasha turned her head to face me and the others followed her gaze towards me. I ran from my hiding place, further down the hall. Being as fast as he is, Germany ran after me, dove towards me, and caught me. Italy, Japan, Prussia, and Tasha came down the hall to figure out what happened just to see me sitting in Germany's lap, trying to hide my face by looking at the ground, and Germany making sure I can't escape by holding me around the middle.

"Not in my house, you two," joked Tasha. I could feel my face go completely pink.

"Tasha!" Her joke got Prussia to laugh (since we all know that Prussia likes to make similar jabs at Germany) and I saw her face go slightly pink. Oh, I'm so using this against you in the future, Tasha.

"Are you done running now?" Germany said with a sigh.

"...yeah," I said, defeated.

"Good," he said, letting me go. We both stood up, "Let's go home."

"Before you go," I looked over at Tasha and she grabbed my arm, dragging me off to the kitchen, "Why didn't you tell me you were friends with some of the personalities!?"

"You wouldn't have believed me if I did," I stated plainly.

"How many do you know?!"

"Sometimes, it feels like too many," I said with a sigh. I love these guys, but they can be exhausting. Tasha had a look of shock and disbelief on her face, "If you want, I can introduce you to more."

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