Here we go again

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"I swear, America. You need to stop going out drinking with Britain."

"Nah, dude. Everything's cool~"

"No, it's not. You just passed out," I sighed.

So that's what I've been doing almost every other night for the past week. America has been swamped with work for the world meetings so Britain will take him out drinking. Then I have to go get both of them and baby them until they get over their hangovers. Lucky for me, Britain didn't drink this time and he was the one to deliver America to me. I gently picked up America and laid him in his bed. Britain was still over to make sure he was alright (how sweet) so I went out to the front room.

"Britain~," I said, using my sweet but venomous voice. He froze in fear, "How about you stop taking America drink? Hm?"

"Y-yes, ma'am," he stuttered.

"Because what if one day, I don't come to get you guys~? What then~?" His eyes widened in fear about what would happen; arrest, embarrassment, loss of reputation. I gave a small laugh, "I think you understand my point~." America had woken up and stumbled out of his room, still drunk.

"H-hey! (H/-*hic* (H/S). Have you thought of moving out?"

"We'll talk in the morning, America," I stood up to lead him back to his room. This time, I'll lock the door. As I was guiding him back, he said,

"I don't want you to l-leave, (Y/N). *hic* But if you w-want to, you can," I gave him a patient smile and put him back to bed.

"Thank you, America. Now, get some rest. We'll talk more in the morning," and I left, locking the door this time.

~Time Skip brought to you by drunk America~

"My head is killing me." America groaned.

"Oh, there you are, America. How are you feeling?" I was lacing up my shoes, ready to go train with the Axis.

"Horrible. Did I do anything stupid last night?" He asked, getting some water.

"Hmm... Nope. You just asked if I had ever thought about moving out," I answered.

"Oh. Well, what was your answer?"

"I'm not sure. I have been looking for a place of my own but there's nowhere open."

"Didn't you tell me that Germany had offered you a place?"

"Oh yeah, he did. Would you be mad if I took him up on his offer?"

"Not at all. I'd be sad because you're leaving, but I have no right to stand in your way."

"Wow. Are you sure you're America? Normally, you never think like this," I said, crossing my arms.

"Well, sober America is currently not available. This is Hungover America," Ok, that got me to laugh.

"Alright, Hungover America, I'm going to training. I might be a little late if Italy decided he wants to play Just Dance again or if I talk to Germany about moving in. I'll see you later."


~Time Skip (again) brought to you by my headcanon that Italy would be awesome at Just Dance~

"Germany! Italy! Japan! I'm here!"

"Herro, (Y/N) san," Japan greeted.

"Ve!~ (Y/N)!" Italy ran up to me and enveloped me in a hug.

"Ah, there you are, (Y/N). Alright," Germany turned towards everyone, "Let's begin."

Germany, Japan, and I started running. Italy stayed behind and played with a random cat he found. Once we were all done, we went back inside and Italy started his training, Just Dance. This had proven effective recently in getting Italy excited for training. Germany and Japan sat down on the couch and I had an idea.

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