Natasha aka My Biggest Troll

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FYI: Natasha has met America, England, China, Russia, Japan, Canada, and Romano since then. So, all together, she has met Germany, Italy, Japan, Romano, Spain, Prussia, America, England, China, Russia, France, and Canada. K? Cool. Let's go!


Do I always have to wake up to my phone annoying me? I looked over at the time showing on my phone screen. 5:00. My alarm wasn't supposed to go off for another 3 hours. I looked to see why my phone was waking me up and saw my phone had been overrun by notifications from Natasha sending me videos. Slightly annoyed by Tasha waking me up, I ignored her videos and tried to sleep again, but my attempts were in vain. Sleep escaped me and I had no choice but to get ready for the day.

I slid out of bed and trudged to the bathroom for a shower. I nearly fell asleep again as the warm water washed over me. Once finished, I towel-dried my hair then left it to dry. I brushed my hair straight but it returned to its curly state within 30 seconds. I left the bathroom with my curly mop of hair and got dressed. I chose a red, fleece sweater that had the "Enjoy Coke" logo on it, my favorite ripped blue jeans, and some black, low-top canvas sneakers. I grabbed my phone and walked downstairs to make an early breakfast.

As I expected, I was the first one awake and the only one up to make breakfast. I had recently introduced Natasha to Canada and that put me in the mood for vanilla pancakes. As I was pouring the first few dollops of batter into the pan, I heard soft footsteps come down the stairs and into the kitchen. 

"Good morning," I greeted, still focusing on the stove.

"Guten Morgen, (Y/N)," I turned around briefly to see Germany. He had yet to really wake up and get ready so his hair was laying on his forehead. And there was one more detail I didn't mention.

He was shirtless.

I quickly turned my attention back to the pancakes to hide my blush and transferred the pancakes from the pan to a plate. 

"I'm making pancakes for breakfast. Help yourself when you want," I said, trying my hardest to not stutter and be understandable.

"Danke. Why are you up so early?" he asked, grabbing a plate and some pancakes. I looked over at the small clock we kept in the kitchen. 6:03. 

"Natasha was blowing up my phone, trying to get me to watch some videos she liked, and I couldn't fall back asleep. She probably didn't even go to sleep last night, knowing her." I said, shrugging and sliding more pancakes onto the plate. Germany just stood in the corner, eating his pancakes. My blush had yet to die down and I was 99% sure he could see it now, "I'm getting back at her for waking me up by ignoring her texts."

"You're not a morning person then, huh?" 

"No. If given the choice to wake up early or sleep in late, I would sleep in," I glanced over at him, thinking for a little bit, "What about you?"


"If given the choice to wake up early or sleep in late, which would you choose?"

"Wake up early," he answered, washing his plate in the sink, "But I will admit, sometimes sleeping in can be nice," he finished washing and drying his plate and put it away in the cabinet," Italy and Japan will probably be down within the next hour or two. I'm going to get ready for the day."

Though a little sad, I simply responded with a simple, "Ok."

"And... (Y/N)?" he said, hesitantly.

"Hm?" I hummed.

"I... enjoyed talking with you. Thank you," I gave him a small smile.

"Anytime, Germany. It was quite fun, talking with you," And with that, he walked back upstairs, and I was left by myself with the pancakes and my thoughts.

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