Murderous Playboy Bunny

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Real quick before we start the chapter. This was partially inspired by 1) the actual episode, 2) a couple of fanfics I've read (I can't remember which ones, sorry) and 3) the picture I added to this chapter. I know Canada wasn't part of that episode (at least as far as dressing up) but I wanted Canada introduced and I thought of a cute way to do it. Ciao!~

"(Y/N)! Get out of the tree!"

"No! This is way too embarrassing!"

"Come on, everyone else is in something similar."

"At least you're mostly covered! And besides, Italy and Japan aren't even here!"

"Just get down here!"


"You realize that if whoever sent that letter doesn't see you, they'll probably send out the picture?"

"UGH! Fine..."

Dear, Mr. or Mrs. Letter-Sender,

I hate you.

Sincerely, an embarrassed, knife-wielding (Y/N).

Seriously, who in their right mind would think of sending embarrassing costumes to all of the countries (and me), want us to meet at the park, and threaten us with embarrassing pictures? Oh yeah, nearly everyone I know. If I had any idea who sent the costumes, I would have to guess it was at least one of the BTT. But, back to the present. I just agreed to come out of my hiding spot, aka a tree. Why am I hiding in a tree? Because the costume I was sent was a playboy bunny outfit. Ears, tail, fishnets, and all. And I just so happen to be more busty than most (I feel you girl. It can be hella annoying) so this is more embarrassing than normal. I jumped down and immediately began regretting it.

"Nope, I can't do this. I'm going back in the tree," I said, turning my back on costumed Germany. He was dressed up as a Neko maid, as Japan would call it. But mistakes were made as I heard someone approach us.

"Hey, dudes! You got roped into this too, huh?"I turned around to see who it was. It was America and someone else. Mr. Someone-else was blond, like America, but with a long curl coming off the front of his head, had a cute, boyish face, and glasses. He also had a small polar bear on him. I'm not sure you could say they were "dressed up" because they were barely dressed at all. America had on bear ears, a waiter's apron with a bear tail on it, and the collar to a dress shirt and tie. The other had only the apron and collar, but with a ribbon. "Wow, (H/S)! Looking good!" He put on his goofy smile and gave me a big thumbs up. 

"America? You seem to have forgotten that I never leave the house without my knives. Especially in situations like this," I reminded him, flipping out my favorite silver butterfly knife. He quickly got rid of his smile and put his hand down and I slipped my knife back into its hiding spot, "So, who's this?"

"I'm Canada," he whispered. Oh my heart, he's too cute. Canada kept trying to hide behind America, hoping no one would look at him. 

"Hello, Canada. I'm (Y/N). Wanna hide in this tree with me?" He lit up at the thought of not having to go through with this, but Germany crushed that right away.

"No. The rest of us are going through with this. So are you."

"But Germany! Can't Canada and I just hide in the tree until this is over?"

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