Monthly Subscription to Satan's Waterfall

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(I'm not sorry about the title XD)

The next morning, I woke up in my bed, 100% human, and confused. Not because I was human again. Britain's potion fixed that. But I remember being in my day clothes when I passed out. How was I in my PJs right now? I can only hope it was Hungary or one of the girls. I brushed the feeling off and slowly made my way to the bathroom for a shower.

My bathroom was small since it was meant for one person but it had all the basic necessities: Shower, toilet, sink with a cabinet. I had added one thing to the bathroom's decorations when I moved in: A small, seemingly innocent calendar. Emphasis on seemingly. That calendar, which looked like a simple home decor item, was what I used to track my time of the month.

A quick check of the calendar delivered unfortunate news. Are you kidding me? I thought. I forgot, even though I have a crazier life than most, that I'm still human, and female. I dealt with my situation, the cramps already setting it, and jumped into a hot shower.

I like to spend more time than usual in the shower when my cycle starts. What can I say? Hot water on cramps feels like a miracle. But, I still had the rest of the day ahead of me, so eventually, I had to leave the shower. After toweling myself off, I heard my phone go off. It was a text from Germany.

G: when you wake up, we're all going to a nearby gym. I'm changing our training program.

M: Alright. I'll be down in a few.

Walking into my bedroom, I threw my still wet, curly mop of hair into a messy bun and got dressed for the gym. I went with some high waisted black leggings that lace up the side, a dark blue muscle tank that says "Wake up Beauty. It's time to Beast", and black high top vans. I opened my stash of painkillers and dry-swallowed two tablets then ran downstairs. It turns out I was right on time. Italy, Japan, and Germany were walking out the door and I followed suit as Germany threw an apple at me for my breakfast.

The gym was fairly close by, less than a mile away from the house. We walked through the front doors and Germany walked up to the front counter and signed us in. Once he was finished, he lead us inside and handed each of us a small piece of paper. All that was on the paper was a short list of exercises, the number of sets we were to do (3), and how long we were to do cardio at the end. We were only allowed to leave once we had finished everything, no matter how long it took. Once our little debriefing was finished, we parted ways to get everything done.

I finished my workout and was at the front door a mere few minutes before Germany.

"I win," I teased jokingly. He just rolled his eyes at me, which made me laugh. Italy and Japan joined us a short while later, the former needing some encouragement, and we all started walking home. We eventually fell in step two by two, with Germany and Japan walking ahead of Italy and me, and we all fell into our own conversations.

"How's everything going with Germany?" Italy asked in a hushed voice. What kind of question is that?

"What are you talking about?" I said, focusing my gaze away from him. I could already feel my face heating up slightly.

"Come on, (Y/N)! You gotta admit there's something happening between you two. Like when you turned into a kid, you went straight to Germany and didn't leave his side. Or when we found you and Germany in the hall at Natasha's house. Or-," I slapped my hand over his mouth, shutting him up.

"Shh! Don't talk about that! That's really embarrassing!" I whispered. I glanced forward at Germany and Japan but they didn't seem to have heard. I slowly removed my hand from Italy's mouth, "Where did you get the idea that something was happening between us?"

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