~❤️Out For a Swim❤️~

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Our heroes have stopped at a beach to have a swim. Ash is already in the water with Pikachu. Bonnie and Clemont are building sandcastles. Serena is still changing...
"Maybe I shouldn't wear this..."
Serena was still in a dilemma whether she should wear her bikini or not.
"Maybe I should...?"
"I'll wear it!"
Serena puts on her pink bikini and heads out, she was blushing because you know why.
"Serena! You look nice!" Bonnie said on seeing her.
"Brother, look at Serena!"
"What is it Bon-" He turns around to see Serena in her bikini. He starts blushing.
Upon seeing him blush, Serena blushes as well.
"Hey Serena! Wanna come for a swim?" Ash yelled.
Bonnie sees Serena's blush and does a little nod at her, which reassuring for Serena. Serena takes a deep breath...
"Coming Ash!"
With that she heads towards the water.
"It's kinda cold, okay?" Ash warns her.
"I'm not bothered by cold wate- EEEEKKK"
Ash bursts into laughter. "Hahahahaha! Serena, I thought you weren't bothered by cold water!"
Serena blushes deeply." A-ash...!"
"Hehe Sorry, here take my hand come into the water..." Ash reaches out his hand.. Serena reluctantly takes it..
But she wasn't ready for what was coming up. Ash quickly pulled her into a hug.
"See..? You aren't cold anymore..."
On seeing this Clemont and Bonnie started blushing as well. Well, Bonnie was fangirling.
Ash then pulls back, visibly blushing. "Let's swim!"
They swim around for a while and then splash water at each other.
"Ash! Stop it!"
"Not until you do!"
Clemont and Bonnie were watching this from the shore.
"They're having such a good time, aren't they Bonnie?"
"Yeah, I wonder when will you find someone you can have a good time playing with?"
Clemont blushes bright red. "BONNIE!"
" hahaha! But..I never would've guessed that Ash would like Serena."
Clemont looks at them. "Yeah...."
The sun was setting...Ash and Serena were standing on the beach while Clemont and Bonnie were in the beach-house.
"Today was really fun, huh?"
"Ash...Mhm! It was really fun!"
"Hey Serena...."
"Today's the last day...we won't see each other again for a long time.."
"Yeah...I'm probably going to Hoenn..."
"Serena...I want to ask you something."
"What is it?"
Ash puts his hands on Serena's shoulders.
"When I go to a new region, will you come with me? To travel with me?"
Serena blushes a dark crimson. "A-ash!"
"You see Serena...I-I...."
Ash is cut off by Serena kissing him...Ash stood in awe. Serena then pulls back.
"Ash...I'll come wherever you want with you...because....I love you"
Now it's Ash's turn to blush. "S-serena....I...feel the same for you..."
With that they kiss again. They pull back and enjoy the beautiful sunset...
Little did they know they were being watched not by just the siblings but also by Team Rocket!
"I knew those two would get together eventually."
"Oh really Jessie?"
"I knyew we amourshippers were always right!"

The End

A/N: i forgot the cringe warning in the beginning. Wow i just realised xyz was the only season where the female character wasnt in a bikini. Idk maybe i didnt watch an episode. Meh k. If u have any requests lemme know in the comments or as a pm
Stay Kawaii~❤️


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