A Chapter of Absolute Nonsense (ACAN)

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I'm running out of ideas. So Imma type nonsense.

It's amourshipping, chill out.

What if....Serena had a friend who was a guy and he came to see her and Ash got jealous?

Serena: Oh, thanks Calem!

Calem: No problem Serena! You look pretty btw.

Serena: *BLOOSH* A-Ah Thanks!

Ash: Serena, I think you look absol-utely gorgeous, and Calem, wouldn't it be total disaster if I Toge-kissed her? Cuz you would be so Jellicent.

I have no life.

What if....Ash was a cat and Serena was his girlfriend, and another guy tried to hit on her?

Nathaniel: Hello there lady!

Serena: Uh...*moves away*

Nathaniel: I don't bite.

Ash: *pops outta nowhere* I do.

Serena: oh boy

Nathaniel: Uh...

Ash: You wanna pick a fight? I can guarantee it's gonna be a cat-astrophe!

Nathaniel: Um, no thanks, I'll go. *runs*

Ash: Yeah, run along boy.

Later when Serena was drawing and her pencil fell down...

Serena: Aww it fell down..!

Nathaniel: Lemme get that for you.

Ash: *dives at the speed of light and gets the pencil* HAHA! Lightning fast, reflexes of a cat! Sorry bro, I got this.

Nathaniel: Not this guy again!

Serena: Thank you!

Later at the bakery where Serena works...

Nathaniel: Hey Serena, can you pack this cupcake for me? Cuz it's sweet just like you <3

Serena: Um..

Ash: *comes outta nowhere with a bunch of baguettes and pushes Nate away* Oh Serena, if you could pack these for me it would be purrfect!

Nathaniel: UGGGGGGHH

Serena: Nathaniel came first...

Finally when serena is at school..

Nathaniel: Hey Serena, if you're free could we hang out?

Serena: Oh um...

Ash: *from behind serena* hissss....stay away from my lioness...

Nathaniel: *goes pale* Actually, I'm busy! Bye serena ! *runz*

Miraculous Refrence.

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