Valentines Day special? Yaaaay?

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Ok wow 3 days late smh


Ash, along with Gary, was going to the Kalos region after his journey in Alola. Professor Sycamore had asked him to visit for helping with the research. Since Gary was a rookie professor, he tagged along. Ash couldn't wait to see Garchomp, the one he had saved when he had first arrived in Kalos, Alain, who was now Professor's assistant and who he was most excited to see, Serena.

"Hey Ash, whatcha thinking?" His brunet friend asked him. Ash felt a blush spread across his face, he was thinking about Serena. "Umm..Garchomp! Yeah, It can mega evolve so I'm excited to see her!" Ash said with a startled expression. Gary wasn't fully convinced, he noticed the red on his ravenet friend's cheeks. "Ohh, you were thinking about that girl, what was her name, Serena?" Gary asked with a smirk. Ash blushed. "No." Gary gave him a 'whatever' look and leaned back on his seat. But Ash kept thinking about Serena. Why are you always stuck in my head...

As Ash walked into the lab, with Gary following him, his eyes fell on a particular girl with dark blonde hair. She was talking to the Professor. In a moment, Ash knew exactly who she was. Gary noticed his friend's expression and he too understand the situation.

The professor noticed Ash and Gary and smiled. Ash smiled back while Gary just nodded. The girl turned towards him and Ash felt his face burn. The blue eyes, short hair, wide was Serena. The Professor understood the situation and walked away.

Serena POV

Serena's eyes widened and she blushed. Ash took a step towards her, and she got nervous. After all, the last time they met, she kissed him... And she never gave him time to react. Her blush deepened as she thought about it. "Hey.." Serena froze on hearing his voice. "H-hey Ash.." Serena didn't look him in the eye, her gaze was fixed on the floor and she didn't dare to look up. "So this is the cutie, eh?" She didn't know this voice, she looked up to see another boy next to Ash. "H-hello?" Gary didn't hesitate, he walked upto her and put an arm around her waist, pulling her close. "Ashy told me alot about you, but he never told me you were so cute" Serena hid her face with her bangs, she didn't enjoy this. "U-um...can you not..?"

Gary POV

Gary smirked, this was his chance to get Ash to realise his feelings. His free hand held Serena's chin and forced her to look him in the eye. "P-please, let me go.." Serena pleaded to him, but Gary had his plans. He didn't want to 'steal' Serena or harass her, he just wanted Ash, for once, to realise his feelings for the girl. "Oh please, let me satisfy myself." Gary looked at Ash from the corner of his eye, he was visibly trying to pretend that he didn't care. "A-Ash.." Serena stuttered. Gary knew this was it. "Oh, asking Ashy for help, eh? And why do you think he cares?" Gary questioned the blonde with a grin.

Serena POV

"Why do you think he cares?" Serena didn't know what to say. "B-because...He's always there for me!" Serena shouted and tried to free herself from Gary's grip. But it proved too strong for her.


"He's always been there for me." He was always there for her. Ash felt a blush on his face. "He doesn't really care, y'know." Gary smirked at Ash, it was making his blood boil. "Now, what do we have here..?" Ash saw Gary slide his hand up Serena's waist towards her chest. Ash felt angry and jealous and emotions he had never felt before. "Ash..please..." That was it. Ash threw a punch at Gary's face and pulled Serena out of his grasp and into his arms. "Oak. Stop."

Gary POV

Gary recoiled from the pain, "Ouch, dude, I never meant to harass her! I was just trying to make you realise your feelings!" Ash gave him a puzzled expression. "Don't you see? The reason why you felt so angry was because you were jealous! You like her, you dumba$$!" Gary yelled.


"You like her." Ash was now seriously burning up, he looked down at Serena, hugging him tightly. He noticed that her face was completely red. Ash put his arms around her, surprising the girl. "Yes, I do like her." Ash gently pulled Serena apart, her face was covered with tears. He wiped a tear and kissed her cheek. "Serena, I like you."

Serena POV

"Serena, I like you." The words echoed in Serena's head. She had been waiting so long to hear that.

Serena touched her cheek and smiled. Ash too smiled. She put her hands on Ash's cheeks and pulled him closer, "And I like you too." And she pulled him into a kiss. She gently pulled back and chuckled at Ash's red face, "I've liked you ever since the Summer Camp, y'know." Serena scratched her cheek. Ash sighed, "Sorry, I never noticed your feelings..." She hugged Ash, "It's okay."

3rd Person POV

While the newly born couple hugged, Gary Oak just stood there as a third wheel. "Ok, so I worked so hard and get punched in the face to get you two together and in the end I'm just a third wheel?" Ash and Serena pulled back, they laughed at Gary's comment. "Nah, you're like my bro" Ash said as he tackled Gary into a bear hug. "Ok, don't kill me Ketchum." Serena giggled at the boy's stupidity.

Oh lord why
Happy belated singles awareness day
I know I suck.

Oh lord whyHappy belated singles awareness dayI know I suck

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Holy crap what is this

Me btw


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