💩 Anti-Fantasy 💩

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Another storytime thing because I'm too lazy to think of ideas for a oneshot.

Every anime needs it.
Some anime provides it like this:

Some anime provides it like this:

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And then others like this:

And then others like this:

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But Pokémon gives it..uh..
It doesn't give us too much fanservice.
I mean there have been lots of episodes in which Ash was shirtless but we fangirls/boys gain nothing from seeing a 10-year-old's abs.
What we need is Ash being romantically interested in his female travelling companions. But till 20 years ago, they have never provided us that fanservice. I mean they still don't but atleast they gave him a harem.
But the most fanservice was in that one episode from XYZ. Ash being sick and Serena taking care of him.
That scene was hilarious...
"This is our chance..."
"Come on!"
"I..Iron Tail, Pikachu..."
Even Serena thought he was gonna say 'I love you'. That one shot.. 😂
But my favourite amourshipping episode is the last episode. Cuz Serena kissed Ash.
She goes down the escalator...she takes a deep breath..goes back up...something happened.
And everyone except Ash is blushing.
But, isn't running up an escalator that is going downwards kinda dangerous?
Yeah, it surely is.
So, one thing I imagined was, Serena running back up, but she trips and falls down. And Ash starts laughing, Serena be so sad, she leaves embarrassed. That would be so hilarious !

Moral Of The Story: If you wanna kiss your crush, don't do it on a moving escalator.


So, here's something that I wanted to talk about.
She wasn't the best female companion, but they already did it 3 times, so wynaut.
Her coming back as a more mature character would've been really cool. Her Axew could've evolved.
They brought back Brock and Misty again, so it would only be fair if they brought Iris again.
But, I'm not complaining about Misty being back cuz she's my absolute fav Pokégirl.
But Gary wasn't back ;-;
They forgot the OG rival ;-;
Serena will probably come back cuz fanservice o3o
It would be cool if she has a Milotic. It's the most beautiful Pokémon ever! I'm looking forward to seeing Serena again.
Hopefully she's a much stronger character.

I talked too long.

Question Of The Day: Who is your favorite PokéGirl?
Mine's Misty.

Quote Of The Day:

I feel like trash

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I feel like trash.
Oh wait, I am trash.
Imma do some chapters liek dis until i get ideas for oneshots...
U guys can help me!
Lemme know your original idea in the comments ! (btw if its not original and is based on or is inspired by someone lemme know that too)
Also if you dont feel comfortable with leaving your ideas in the comments then you may PM me
Cuz i srsly need some ideas xd

Stay Kawaii~❤️


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