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Na pi ttam nunmul?

Ok fine.

Here's the story

Idk what pov this is so just deal with it POV

Ash stared at Serena's peaceful sleeping figure. She looked pleasant and beautiful asleep, a blush spread across the brunet's cheeks. He gently ran his fingers through her hair.

"How are you..so.. perfect.." He whispered under his breath.

He sighed and got up, Serena still fast asleep in her sleeping bag. Clemont and Bonnie sleeping next to her. Ash sat on a nearby rock next to a silent lake. The moonlight falling on the gentle waves danced with the flow. (Ok what does this even mean) Ash found himself enjoying the silence. The light reflecting from the lake illuminated the dark surroundings. (help)

"A-ash?" A soft feminine voice asked him.

"Yes, Serena?" Ash asked the sleepy girl.

"It's so late and why are you still awake?" Serena asked in a worried tone, although there wasn't anything to worry about.

"Haha, just didn't feel sleepy." Ash chuckled.

"Ugh, we need to leave early tomorrow. Get some sleep!" Serena said as if she was his mum.


Ash was about to jump off his rock, when he heard a beautiful music. It was rather familiar.

"What's that beautiful music? It's so soothing..." Serena closed her eyes and relaxed to the tune.


Meloetta , although not visible, chirped. Ash smiled, "It's nice to see, or, hear you again, Meloetta."

Serena was confused, "Who's Meloetta?"

"She's a mythical pokémon. Her voice is really powerful." Serena stared at Ash in awe, how did he know a mythical pokémon?

Ash bent down, "Shall we dance?"

Serena blushed tomato red. "U-um.. I.."

"We couldn't dance at that party, so let's dance now."

Serena shyly took his hand. Ash put an arm around her waist, making her shiver. "Now, shall we?"

Serena nodded and they started dancing. Their hands intertwined and their faces close. They enjoyed every moment of it.

"Agh, I look a mess.." Serena whined.
Ash chuckled, "You look perfect tonight."
Serena blushed at this unexpected comment. She didn't know how to react. Before she knew it, Ash was hugging her tight, she slowly put her arms around him. "A-Ash.."

"Shh, let's just stay like this for a bit, okay?"
Serena closed her eyes and hugged him tighter. "Okay.."

What a crappy story. Help.

Hope you liked it. I know you didn't. <3
Oh well, I tried.

Sorry for not updating in like forever.

I promise I'll update more often now.

For now, cya o/

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If you liked this story, I'd appreciate it alot if you gimme a lil vote :D

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