Part 1

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A giant Hollow creature stood behind Rukia's tiny, on the first look, very vulnerable body, threatening to destroy her every second. As it quickly opened its enormous jaw to grab Rukia, Ichigo screamed her name and rushed over to her side. Rukia, on the other hand, didn't seem to be very worried about the fact that behind her stood an enormous monster that could kill her any second. She just quickly teleported and sliced through Hollow's head with her Zanpaktou. Ichigo arrived at that very moment, only to find the creature already disappearing in the air.
"Damn it Rukia! You should be more careful, you really scared me out there!" Ichigo yelled at her for being careless.
"You know what I think? I think that you should stop underestimating other people so much, Ichigo. It really annoys me." She said with an arrogant tone in her voice.
"For a second, I thought that you were gonna die, you idiot! You should stop fooling around, you are only worrying me!" He said and she smiled.
"It was only a Hollow, Ichigo. Calm down, I am fine now. Nobody's in danger anymore. Let's go. Our job here is done." She said and Ichigo just nodded. They returned to their gigais and slowly started to head back to Ichigo's house. Rukia was still staying at Ichigo's place because she had been assigned a few Hollow-killing missions by her brother. Ichigo didn't really like the idea of her using his closet for another month but he had to deal with it because he promised Byakuya he would always give a hand to Rukia when she needs help. Even so, he got used to her always being around so he didn't mind it that much. They were still friends, but they fought all the time. He watched her walk in front of him. She was tiny, compared to him. Her body was petite and it seemed really weak. Who could blame him for worrying about her?
She may be little, but that midget is fierce as hell. Ichigo thought to himself. By the dinner, they arrived home. The whole family ate together. Rukia was already considered a member of a family, because she has been spending so much time with Kurosaki family that she kind of blended right in. Isshin loved her company and Ichigo's sisters, Karin and Yuzu adored her. After dinner, Ichigo went upstairs to plug his phone. After he has done that, he picked some clothes to go to shower. He casually just walked in the bathroom, where he found her. Not any other family member, but her. Rukia Kuchiki, who wasn't even blood related to them but still had all the rights in this house like everyone else did. He got quite furious that she took everything away from him, including his precious bathtub time but then he heard her scream. At first, he didn't get why did she scream but then he saw her bare skin exposed in the bathtub and he realized she was naked. He quickly rushed out.
"I-I-I am so sorry! I-I didn't see you were bathing! God, dammit!" He apologized while blushing like crazy.
"You-You idiot!! How dare you! I am gonna kill you when I get out, Ichigo!" She screamed in anger and embarassment. The picture of Rukia naked flashed through his head.
Ichigo just couldn't get that picture out of his mind, no matter how hard he tried to push it away. Her short, raven hair against her snowy white skin was creating a big contrast. Her big violet eyes and the look that she gave him before she noticed him and screamed. Her tiny back and her spine shyly scowling through her glowing skin. He didn't manage to see the rest of her body, unfortunately. He was astonished by her natural beauty but still...It didn't feel right to think this way about her.
What am I thinking about? I am an idiot!
He said and he went back to his room.
After few moments, he managed to calm down and focus on something else. Then she entered the room, in her pj's. Ichigo couldn't help but check her out. Rukia noticed it but decided to ignore it in order to avoid another argument.
"Bathroom is empty now, you can go in." She said clearly annoyed, and she slowly opened the door of his closet.
"Sorry about that again. Don't worry. I didn't see anything." He said that to ease her mind a bit, but it had the opposite effect. She got worked up and she kicked him in the balls.
"Ouch! What was that for?!?" He asked angrily.
"For being a complete, inconsiderate asshole!"
She said and crawled up inside the closet.
Damn, that girl! He thought but he refused to make any more comments out loud. It was too risky and it would probably lead to another fight, which he, didn't have strength to go through again. He just took his clothes and the towel and left the room. After his shower, he went straight to bed. It didn't take him long to fall asleep.

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