Part 10

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"You're awake! Finally. I was starting to get worried about you again. I was just about to call Kisuke." Ichigo said.
" I?" Rukia looked around, trying to process what location she was at.
"You are in my room, in my bed. Don't worry, you are safe now. Everything will be fine. I finished that Hollow by myself, but you got injured so you lost your consciousness. Your legs were injured pretty badly, so you won't be able to walk for a few days. Kisuke said 2 days approximately. But he gave you some medication to help your body regenerate those damaged parts, so you'll be fine. I guess you will just have to spend this weekend inside and rest." Ichigo said and smiled at her.
"Oh...I am so sorry Ichigo. I left you on your own out there..." She said.
"Don't you dare apologize to me about that Rukia. You hear me? The only thing that matters to me right now is that you get better." He said while holding her hands.
"Yeah, I will get better. I am pretty tough. Never underestimate Kuchiki Rukia." She said and winked playfully.
"Back at it again, I see. Well, I am glad to see that you are yourself again. You really scared me out there. I thought I was going to lose you." He admitted.
"Oh? Ichigo actually cares about me? Am I imagining things?" She said and smiled.
"Shut up, you idiot. Of course I care about you. I always care, even when I don't show it sometimes." He admitted.
"Well, I am happy to know this now. Can you help me get up now?" She asked him.
"Rukia, Kisuke said it's the best for you to rest right now. You are still weak. Maybe it's not the best idea for you to try to walk right now." He said, concerned for her.
"I have to know where I stand, Ichigo. I need to see how bad the situation really is. Please help me." She begged.
"Fine. You stubborn idiot. But better be careful." He gave in, lifting her up.
"Okay. Baby steps first." She said and tried to make a first step, but she tripped over and Ichigo caught her.
"Watch out! I told you this was a bad idea, but you never listen to anyone!" He said, annoyed that she always does things in her own way. She landed right onto his lap. They both looked at each other and blushed. After a few awkward moments of silence, Ichigo spoke up.
"Believe me, I am in the same awkward position as you are and I would push you off of me any moment if you weren't injured." He told her.
"Oh shut up, you jerk!" She said and punched him in his face.
"Ouch! Stop being so violent!" He said.
When the sun has set, both of them were alone in his room. Night has come. Time to sleep. Again. In the same bed. Next to each other.
"Okay, midget. Make some space, I need to sleep too, you know." Ichigo said while trying to squeeze into his bed next to Rukia.
"Stop calling me midget, you know I hate that." Rukia responded.
"Why? It suits you." He said.
"It's offensive and I don't like it. Stop being mean." She replied.
"Okay." He said.
In the middle of the night, Rukia turned towards Ichigo and leaned onto his back. Ichigo still wasn't asleep, so this really surprised him. Still, he couldn't move because he felt that he would wake her up and then he would feel bad. But still, she was leaning on to him and he couldn't fall asleep this way. Her presence already made him feel awkward enough but now this...
Damn her. She always puts me in the situations like this where I have no choice.
He turned around and faced her. She looked so tiny curled up next to him. Her skin was white and delicate. He was surprised to see her like this. Usually, she's loud, violent and aggresive but she has this side too. She's peaceful now. She's calm. She's asleep. Seeing this side of her made him realize that Rukia was pretty cute but that he wasn't letting it on because he was too proud to admit that he actually found that little "midget" attractive.
I guess she can be pretty cute when she's like this...What am I thinking about?! I am an idiot! She's starting to mess with my head!
Damn this girl.
He turned around and tried to fall asleep. It took him a while to do that.

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