Part 11

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Few days later, Rukia managed to get back to her old self, to her true state. All of her wounds recovered and she was more alive than ever. All of her friends payed her a visit during her hard time including Ishida, Chad and Orihime. She was happy and cheerful again. She decided she wanted to pay a visit to Kaien in Soul Society, but first, she would need to go and see Urahara in order to find a way to do this.
So she went to Urahara's shop, only to found him chilling in his yard.
"Rukia! What a nice surprise! I am glad to see you are all good again. What brings you here today?" Urahara asked her.
"Ichigo told me that you helped me a lot when I was injured, so I figured I would come here and thank you for doing so."  Rukia said.
"Oh, don't worry about that, all of your's wellbeing is my duty. It's my pleasure to help you." Urahara said and smiled.
"Well, I came here to thank you and to ask you a question." Rukia admitted.
"Sure, ask me anything you want, Rukia." He replied.
"Kaien was supposed to pay me a visit few days ago but he was unable to do so because of the broken balances of nature in the Portal that leads to Soul Society, so he couldn't come. At this point, the Old Captain won't allow him to come down to the real world at all, I suppose. The problem is, we really want to see each other, so I was wondering if there has been any news from Soul Society about The Portal being fixed or if there will be any possibility for me to go up there."  She said, waiting for the answers.
"If you went up there, you probably wouldn't be allowed to go back into the real world for quite some time, you know that, right?" He asked her.
"Yes, I am aware of that, but since it's urgent, I really need to see Kaien as soon as possible."  She replied.
"I understand. You're willing to risk not coming back to the real world for a long period of time just because you need to see Kaien? He must be really important to you then. I can see why Ichigo was so threatened by him back then when you two got into a fight." He said.
"Sorry, what? Ichigo was threatened by Kaien? What do you mean by that, Urahara?" She asked curiously.
"Ichigo wants you for himself, Rukia. That's why he overreacted back then when you were mentioning Kaien. It's because he got jealous. Kaien represents a threat to him because he sees that you really value him and he is worried he will lose you to him one day." Urahara answered.
"What? But why would Ichigo be jealous of him because of me? And besides, I am not his to lose nor Kaien's to gain. Kaien is married, as you already know and Ichigo and I are not like that." She said.
"You are not like that with Ichigo, but it doesn't mean that he wouldn't want things to be that way between you and him." Urahara said.
"If you are trying to say that Ichigo likes me and wants to be with me in that way, then you're completely wrong. He even told me he doesn't find me attractive in that way." She said.
"Of course he did. That doesn't surprise me from him. He was always proud and stubborn like that, he would never admit he likes you but I know that he does. I can see that, because a man sees when a man likes a girl. Trust me, Rukia." He said.
"I don't think so, Urahara." She disagreed with him.
"How else do you explain him overreacting that day when you got into a fight over Kaien?  Also, you couldn't have seen it, but when he brought you here injured, he had this scared expression on his face. I have never seen him like that before. He hasn't left you a second alone when you were unconscious. He was so worried about you. It was cute to watch. Also, you tell me that Ichigo and you are not like that, but I bet you soon will be. Because you like him too, don't you?" Urahara said.
"I DON'T! I could never like that idiot!" Rukia yelled in disbelief. How did Urahara see this whole situation so clear?
"Both of you try to deny it, but I see through everything, Rukia. Remember. Also, no matter how hard you two try to resist each other, temptation will increase over time and you will both give in one day. Trust me." Urahara said and smiled. Rukia felt embarrassed because she knew that he was right. Some part of her did crave for Ichigo, while the other one was passionately rejecting it. She wondered if he guessed Ichigo's feelings correctly just as he did hers.
"God. I didn't come here for this. What do I do then?"  She asked, frustrated.
"It's always fun teasing you Rukia. I have been    testing you this whole time to see whether you have something for Ichigo. But rest freely. The Portal has been fixed and Soul Society has reported Kaien's arrival today. Someone's lucky today." Urahara said and smiled.
"Oh, thank goodness! Thanks Urahara! I am leaving now."  She said with relief and took off.
"Bye, Rukia. Take care." Urahara wished her well.

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