Part 16

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After a long night, the morning has finally come. Ichigo woke up. He grabbed his hair and pushed it out of his face. He slowly started to remember everything that has happened last night.
Rukia...I can't believe I kissed her. But...Afterwards, she told me she has felings for me too. She loves me too. Rukia loves me!
Ichigo smiled. After a very long time, everything will sort itself out. Everything will be okay. Now, he finally knew what Kisuke was talking about. At first he denied it to himself, but later he just accepted it.
He was right. Kisuke was right all along. No matter how much I wanted it to be false, it's actually true. I am madly in love with Rukia. And I am finally able to say it out loud and accept it.
He thought. After few moments, he looked at his alarm clock. It instantly reminded him of school.
What day is it? I woke up so early today.
He checked the calendar.
Monday?!?!? Shit! I have school today!
He immediately jumped out of his bed and went to Rukia's closet. He knocked at the closet door, trying to wake Rukia up.
"Rukia! Wake up, come on. We have school today. I forgot to set my alarm clock on."
He said. Few moments have passed and Rukia still didn't reply or make any movement.
"Rukia! Come on, we're gonna be late! Get up."
He yelled a little louder. No reply.
"Rukia-C'mon let's-" He immediately froze when he opened the closet door. Rukia was nowhere to be found.
Are you serious...Where the hell is she?!
Ichigo thought.
She wouldn't have gone without me...Would she?
Ichigo started to get worried. Why would she disappear on him like that? Was she mad at him about yesterday? Does she not feel the same way anymore? Has she changed her mind? Million things popped up in Ichigo's mind. He had to find her. He immediately changed, picked his stuff and went straight to school.
She must be there.
He thought. But he was wrong. When he came to school, Rukia was absent. Orihime noticed Ichigo's nervous behaviour. She also noticed Rukia wasn't here today, so she came up to him to talk.
"Ichigo...Hey. Is everything okay?" Orihime asked.
"Yeah. No. I mean, I don't know..." Ichigo admitted.
"What happened?" She asked.
"A lot of stuff happened yesterday...Rukia was upset yesterday cause she saw us kissing, her eyes were all red when she went out of the pool's toilets. However, as proud as she is, she acted like nothing happened and accused chlorine of irritating her eyes. But she didn't dive. After she knew I caught her in lies, she admitted it, but then she didn't want to say why did she cry. Then I kissed her and then she pushed me away and slapped me. I told her about our plan, she said that I hurt her and even though she has some feelings for me, she needs time to think about everything. So yeah...That's what happened." Ichigo finished.
"Woah, that's a lot. Why is she not here today? Is she not feeling well?" Orihime asked.
"I don't know. I woke up but she wasn't there. I thought she'd be at school, but apparently, I was wrong." Ichigo said while frowning.
"Oh, Ichigo. I am so sorry to hear that. I didn't think our plan would backfire like that." Orihime apologized.
"No, don't apologize to me, it's not your fault, Orihime. You were a great help. Without you, I'd never be able to tell Rukia how I really feel about her. So thank you for that." Ichigo thanked her.
"No problem. I guess I just feel guilty for hurting her feelings. After all, she's my friend." Orihime admitted.
"Yeah, I feel the same way. But anyway...I'll see how it goes when I find her." Ichigo stated.
"Yeah. Do that. I am gonna see you later, I guess. Bye." Orihime said and went back to her table.
"Bye Orihime." Ichigo said.
After school, he went straight home. When he came to his room upstairs, she still wasn't there.
Where in the world is she?
He started to get worried. Then he heard the familiar laughter coming from the outside. He could hear it through his window. He sensed two familiar Spiritual Pressures. It was Rukia and that new guy, Kaien. He slowly peeked through the curtains only to find cheerful Rukia laughing with Kaien.
What is she doing with him...
Ichigo started to get angry. First she disappears like this, doesn't turn up to school and then she comes back with Kaien. After Rukia said bye to Kaien, she went upstairs to Ichigo's room.
"Oh, good morning sunshine. You're finally up." Rukia walked in and greeted him as if nothing ever happened between them last night.
"Where the hell were you?" Ichigo asked her, slightly annoyed.
"I went to visit Kisuke with Kaien. We had to talk to him about something." Rukia smiled and continued being secretive.
"You missed school today." Ichigo stated.
"We had school today?" Rukia asked him.
"Yeah, we did." Ichigo said.
"Why didn't you tell me about this yesterday? I would have come. But anyway, it's not that big of a deal. It's just school." Rukia said.
Of course. Nothing ever seems to be of a big deal to you whenever that Kaien freak's around. Ichigo silently thought and frowned.
"I forgot, but nevermind now. It's just one day. We will say that you were feeling ill." Ichigo said.
"Cool. I am gonna take a shower then." She said and picked her towels.
"Feel free to. I will be here if you need me for anything." Ichigo said but Rukia just ignored him and left the room. After a while, she came back in the room wrapped with a towel. Ichigo couldn't help himself but check her out from the bottom to the top. His cheeks got slightly flushed and he turned his head to the side, trying to hide it. Rukia crawled in her closet and closed the door. After a while, she opened it and got out. She was fully dressed now. Maybe even a bit...dressed up?
"Whoa..You look good." Ichigo reluctantly complimented her appearance.
"Quit drooling, I always look good." Rukia smirked.
"Yeah, as if. I never drool over anyone." Ichigo said, proud as always.
"You just did. Over me." Rukia knew the truth.
"I didn't. Anyway, why are you so dressed up?" He asked her, confused.
"I am going somewhere. I am already late. I'll see you in a bit though." Rukia answered, continuing to be secretive and myserious.
"Wait...where are you going?" Ichigo couldn't help but wonder where is she headed to. And if she's going anywhere with Kaien again.
"Nowhere special. Just taking a walk. I gotta go. Bye." Rukia cheerfully answered and left, shutting the door.
"Bye." Ichigo said as the door shut.
Million things flew through his mind at that moment.
What the hell is wrong with Rukia today? She's unusually calm and happy. She's never been like this at all. Besides, she hasn't even mentioned the events of last night, is she trying to avoid the topic because she feels uncomfortable? Damn it...Where is she going again? We need to talk. She just came home. Why is she going somewhere again..."Taking a walk", yeah right. I am not dumb. I am about to find out for myself...
Ichigo thought to himself as he grabbed his phone and headed out to see where is Rukia going. He's going to follow her and see where is she going and what are her intentions.

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