Part 15

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"I assume I'm sleeping in the closet again from now on, right?" Rukia asked Ichigo once they came home.
"Why would you sleep in that cold, messed up closet again?"  Ichigo asked her, confused.
"Well, now that you have a girlfriend, I don't think that she'd be too happy to know that you're sharing a bed with another girl."  She said.
"What? What are you talking about?" Ichigo asked her, once again confused by her words. She must be talking about Orihime. He thought to himself.
"What do you mean?" Rukia asked him.
"I don't have a girlfriend, Rukia. What are you on about?" He told her, secretely enjoying this.
"What is Orihime, then?" Rukia asked him, with a slight bit of jealousy in her voice.
"She's just a friend. Why would you even say that..." Ichigo started to defend himself.
"Pardon me if I don't recall that normal friends kiss each other passionately like that." She added while frowning.
"You saw us?" Ichigo asked her.
"Yeah, I did. I glanced and I saw you two know." She reluctantly admitted.
"We just felt like doing that. It doesn't mean anything, you know. We're just friends." Ichigo said, satisfied that they're having a conversation about this.
"How the hell can you be friends when you're doing...that?! It's impossible. You must have feelings for her. Or at least be a slightly bit attracted to her to do that. Kissing is not something that friends do. You and I are friends too, but we never kiss each other's random. And we don't like each other like that. You kiss someone because you like them and find them sexually attractive. It's a thing that lovers do, not friends." Rukia stated.
"True, but Orihime and I don't like each other like that. You have to trust me on this one." Ichigo said and continued to stare at her.
"Why did you kiss her then?" Rukia asked him, dying inside from jealousy.
"I have my reasons and motives which you know nothing about. Orihime is aware of these reasons which is why she agreed to it. " Ichigo said and changed his position.
"I have no clue what you're talking about right now." Rukia admitted.
"Of course you don't." Ichigo added.
"What does that mean? Are you making fun of me because I don't understand this?" She asked him, getting slightly angry.
"No, I am not making fun of you, Rukia. You're not supposed to know, that's why you don't know." He replied.
"Why don't you wanna tell me?" She asked him, curious.
"Cause it's a secret." Ichigo acknowledged.
"And the secret is that you are a horny bastard that can't help himself when he's around a pretty girl! You just want to do it with her, right?" Rukia got super angry and yelled at him.
"No. That's not what this is about, I swear!" He told her.
"There's nothing you should be ashamed of. You're a 16-year-old boy, you have your needs after all. You just do you. I am going to sleep." She said, sounding jealous.
"Wait." Ichigo caught her hand, preventing her from entering the closet.
"What?" She looked at him with despise.
"Why did you cry today at the pool?" He asked her once again, trying to get an honest answer out of her this time.
"Back at it again? I already told you I didn't cry. The chlorine from the pool irritated my eyes." She said and looked down again.
"Why was your hair dry if you dived?" Ichigo asked her and watched her startle as he caught her lying to him.
"What? It wasn't dry. It was wet!" She denied it.
"No it wasn't. It was completely dry." Ichigo said.
"No, you're wrong." She continued to deny it.
"Don't lie to me Rukia. I know you. Now tell me why." Ichigo grabbed her shoulders, making her face him.
"I don't want to tell you." She finally admitted she cried.
"Why?" Ichigo asked, intrigued about the reason.
"Leave me alone, Ichigo. You don't care about me at all. Why should I tell you anything that bothers me?"  Rukia pushed him away, making a sad face expression. Ichigo almost melted when he saw her like this.
"You were upset because I kissed her, weren't you?" He asked her.
"What? No!" Rukia denied it.
"You probably wanted me to do it to you, didn't you?" Ichigo guessed.
"That's ridiculous! Why would I want that?" She asked him, almost sounding like she was making fun of him.
"Because you want me. All of me. Just like I want all of you." He said as he pressed his lips against hers, kissing her like his life depended on it. Rukia was shocked. Ichigo's lips were massaging hers, creating this incredible warmth that was melting away her whole being. He pushed her against his closet, completely trapping her. Rukia didn't know what to feel. Normally, she would have felt excitement, happiness, love, lust, but now...All she could remember was that these same lips that she's kissing right now were kissing another girl few hours earlier today. And what's worse, it was her friend Orihime. She immediately pulled away.
"What's wrong?" Ichigo asked her and then she slapped him as hard as she could.
"How dare you kiss me out of nowhere?! Nothing's important to you at all! You don't give a damn about anything or anyone but yourself! God Ichigo!  You're so damn selfish!" She yelled at him, disgusted by his behaviour.
"What do you mean?" He asked her, confused by her actions.
"You know very well what I mean! Today when we were at the pool, you were locking lips with my best friend and now you dare to kiss me, shamelessly. How can you just do that?! You can't just kiss whoever damn you want whenever you want! If kiss doesn't mean anything to you, I am sorry to break it to you, but it does to me! And I am definitely not going to let it happen with a guy that doesn't have true feelings for me!" She said while crying.
"I do...have feelings for you!" Ichigo yelled, finally confessing all of those emotions that he has been hiding for so long.
"Bullshit. You expect me to believe that after you kissed my best friend today? Let's see how that works out for you, Ichigo." Rukia said as another tear rolled down her cheek.
"I was trying to make you jealous! That's the only reason I did it! Orihime knows that. She agreed to help me make you jealous!" Ichigo admitted his whole plan for winning her heart to her.
"I never wanted to hurt you, I am sorry." Ichigo apologized. He was feeling really guilty.
"Look. I am really hurt, I am not gonna lie. I too, have had feelings for you for quite some time now, but I was afraid of even thinking about you in that way because I was afraid you wouldn't feel the same way. I can't believe that you pulled that thing with Orihime. Your plan worked, but...I don't wanna be with you cause you played me and my trust." She said.
"Are you serious?" Ichigo asked her, disappointed that he did all of this...only to lose her when he could have easily had her.
"I am gonna need some time." She said.
"Rukia. I have some really strong feelings towards you. I am willing to fight for you and to wait as long as it takes. I am sorry I pulled that thing with Orihime today. I can't even describe how much I regret it now...If I could go back, I would change everything. But...I am afraid I messed up. Even so, you're the only girl that I want to be with. I can promise you that I felt nothing when I was kissing her. It meant nothing to both of us. I am gonna work and make this up to you. Just please, promise me you'll think about us." He begged her.
"Okay. I promise you that I will reconsider everything again. I am gonna go to sleep now. Morning's smarter than night. Goodnight Ichigo."  She said, opened the door of her closet, slowly slided in and closed it.
"Goodnight Rukia." Ichigo replied and lied down in his bed.
Rukia's so much different than other girls. I need to learn to be more considerate around her. I need to respect her wishes and feelings more from now on. Anyway, that's what makes her so interesting. That's what makes her worth the wait.
He thought and after half an hour, he drifted off to sleep.

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