Part 17

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I still can't talk to Ichigo properly...Not after what happened last night...
Rukia thought as she silently walked down the street.
Whenever I see him, my heart starts pounding like crazy. I wonder if he can hear it...That would be quite embarassing!
She shook her head, as if she was trying to make those thoughts go away.
I want to open up my heart to him, but I don't know if I can trust him yet...Not after what he pulled with Orihime yesterday...Are his feelings even genuine? Does he really feel the way he says he feels?
Rukia continued her overthinking. She wanted to open up to Ichigo completely, confess all of her feelings for him, but she was scared. What if she gets hurt? What if he's not honest with her and what if he's just playing a game?
No...Ichigo wouldn't do that. He wouldn't just play with somebody's emotions like that. I know that he wouldn't. Ugh! I should stop thinking about him! I wonder what Kaien wants to talk to me about...
She thought and continued to walk down the street, towards the set destination where she's meeting Kaien. Completely unaware that she's being followed by Ichigo.
Damn this girl! I am turning into a stalker because of her. I wonder if she'll be able to sense my Spritual Pressure near. I am using this thing that Kisuke gave me to hide it, but how much trust can I put in Kisuke's words?
Ichigo thought as he remembered Kisuke's words.
"If you're ever in need to hide your Spiritual Pressure, use this. You take one capsule and it completely makes your Spritual Energy fade away from the sight, even though it's still there. But remember, you don't have much time. Only two hours and it expires. Take it. It might come in handy one day." He remembered Urahara's words.
Well, the best thing I can do right now is to trust him. It seems to be working because...She's completely unaware that I am not that far behind her. She doesn't have a single clue that I am following her.
Ichigo thought and continued to follow Rukia. He couldn't exactly pinpoint why, but something about her leaving on her own bothered him. He wanted to always be by her side. In case something happened. He wanted to be there, to protect her. Of course, Rukia is a very capable Soul Reaper who can protect herself at any time, but in case an accident occurs and she fails to do that, he wanted to be there. He wanted to be the one who saves her. He wanted to be her protector. If that guy Kaien saved her instead of him, he could have never forgave himself for that. As proud as he is, he wanted to be her one and only. No other men allowed. Ichigo felt uncomfortable ever since Kaien arrived in Karakura Town. In his mind, he was begging that Rukia didn't leave to see him again. That would completely break him. He wasn't just ready for that. Yet somewhere in his gut, he knew it. He had a feeling. A really uncomfortable feeling of uneasiness. That she went out to see Kaien again. His thoughts became reality when he witnessed an uneasy sight: Kaien and Rukia hugging each other as they met each other once again. His heart dropped in disappointment.
I knew it. I knew it. Damn her! What is she doing with him again?! She literally just left him yet she's leaving with him again. She's going "nowhere special", huh? All dressed up and neat. I had a feeling this would happen. If he tries to pull any moves on her, I'll finish him off. I'll kick his ass and I'll show no mercy to him!
Ichigo began to rage. He loved Rukia. A lot. He wasn't even aware of this fact up until now. He was getting unbelieavably angry and raging like a maniac. His emotions were all over the place. And he couldn't do anything about it. You know it's love when you go crazy. Ichigo started losing himself ever since he fell in love with this girl. Little by little, she grew close to him and got under his skin. He loves her. He needs her. He will do anything for her. Kaien knew this too, when he sensed him nearby, following them.
I knew it. What is he doing? Why is he following us? He must be using those cheap capsules Kisuke gives out. What a moron. He thinks that a high-skilled Soul Reaper such as myself wouldn't know all these tricks? I can sense him behind us, even though he's trying to hide....
Kaien thought as he walked down the street with Rukia. The night was there. They were walking right by the lake, surrounded by many beautiful cherry blossoms. He wanted to discuss some Soul Society matters with Rukia, so he thought he'd invite her for a walk. But he didn't exactly expect Ichigo to secretely follow them.
Why would he even follow us though? I don't get it. Does he find me suspicious? I am a highly trusted member of Soul Society and a devoted Soul Reaper. He has nothing to worry about...
"So...You wanted to talk?" Rukia said, interrupting his thoughts.
"Right. Yes. I wanted to discuss something with you. It's about my squad. As you may already know, Captain Kuchiki and myself are planning a trip soon, we need to sign these very important contracts and close some deals. Since I am going to be gone, Lieutenant will be taking care of my squad, but I think that he won't be able to handle the whole squad by himself, so I wanted to ask you for a little favor. The trip will last three days, and as my old student, I think you'd do an amazing job helping him out do all the duties and stuff, as my replacement. Of course, only if you want to. I don't want to pressure you into anything, Rukia." Kaien explained.
"Are you serious?! I have always wanted to do something like this! Since my childhood, I've always aspired to become good enough so I could become a Lieutenant or a Captain one day. Even so, just getting an opportunity to take care of Squad's duties and replace you while you're gone is incredible! I'd love to help out, Kaien!" Rukia said with a big smile.
"That's great then! We would love to have you. I have already discussed this matter with Captain Kuchiki, and he has agreed to let you leave the Human World and take a small break in Soul Society. Thank you, Rukia. Your help is very much appreciated." Kaien smiled back at her.
Rukia is such a great girl. Always willing to help and be involved. I am sure she would make an amazing Captain one day.
Kaien thought as he continued to stare at cheerful Rukia.
"No problem, Kaien. I am always here to help if you need me. But...I do have one question..."
Rukia looked away as her cheeks were slightly flushed. Kaien couldn't help but notice this.
"Yes?" He replied.
She's blushing...He thought silently.
"Why me?" She asked.
Kaien looked at her, completely confused. He didn't know what does she mean by this. His eyebrows raised at Rukia, as a sign for needed clarification. Rukia got this and asked him again, trying to clear it up.
"Why did you pick me to take care of Squad while you're gone? I mean, I am sure there's lots of people who are more skilled than me who'd maybe do this job better than me..." Rukia said.
"Nonsense. Let me tell you a story, Rukia. Before we officially met, I saw you one day at the Kuchiki Clan House. You were still very young and Unohana came by and gave you these sheets. She told you to sort them out by their dates, from the oldest to the newest. You were very focused and you checked everything, not once, not twice, but three times to make sure you don't make a mistake while filing those sheets. You sorted them out very neatly, one on top of the other. You also made sure not to damage the sheets in case they were very important contracts, so you made sure to skip your daily tea, because you were afraid you'd spill it over the sheets and cause trouble for Unohana. You also sorted them carefully one on top of the other and minded the edges of the paper. I was impressed by how a young girl like you could do her job so neatly, so carefully, even better than some adults. You included all of the factors of danger beforehand, so you wouldn't suffer any consequences. That's when I knew you were great. I still believe that you'll do the job just how I want it done. Lieutenant will explain you how to do everything, so don't worry. Never doubt yourself and your abilities, Rukia." Kaien finished telling his story from the past, leaving Rukia all flattered. Her cheeks were even more red now.
"Thank you, Kaien. I will do my best, I promise you!" Rukia said, still blushing from excitement. Kaien was a really important person to Rukia. Not only was he her coach, he was also her Role Model. She always looked up to him and prayed she'd grow to be as powerful and wise as he is one day. She wanted to impress him and she loved getting praised by him.
How adorable. It's insanely cute when girls blush. Oh...That must be why...That must be the reason Ichigo is following us! He's jealous. Oh my...Teenagers these days...
Kaien thought and smiled to himself when he realized the reason Ichigo was hiding behind that stingy bush.
He must really like her to swallow that cheap, disgusting capsule from Kisuke, I'll give him that for courage! I won't embarrass him, I'll just pretend I don't know he's here. Ichigo, I wish you best of luck with winning young Rukia's heart! She's a good girl, you better take good care of her!
Kaien thought and suggested Rukia it's time to go. They stood up and left. When they came in front of Ichigo's house, Kaien told Rukia to call Ichigo downstairs for a quick "men" chat.
"Kaien...I heard you wanted to talk to me." Ichigo came down, looking slightly confused.
"Yes. I saw you out there following us." Kaien admitted.
"What?" Ichigo asked while his emotions of confusion and embarassment unwillingly creeped in on his face.
"Kisuke's cheap capsules were a bit weak I guess, I sensed your Spritual Pressure right away. Anyway...Between us men, I understand how you feel towards Rukia. Let me cut straight to my point- You like her, don't you? " He asked him, putting him on spot.
"What?! N-No, of course I don't, Rukia is just a f-friend, why would I ever-" Ichigo started to deny it, but Kaien just cut him off because he knew he was lying.
"It's okay. I can tell when another man likes a girl, so don't worry about it. It's perfectly normal. Rukia's a beautiful, smart and outstanding Soul Reaper. She has quite a lot of admirers back in Soul Society. It's only natural you'd like her. Also, I am not a threat to you. I am a married man and I love my wife. Rukia's just my old student who I kind of consider as my daughter as well. So if that was a reason you followed us out there and swallowed those crusty capsules from Kisuke, I must admit that I am impressed. It means that you do actually genuienly care for Rukia. Which means you have my full blessing and support, as her old Sensei." Kaien said and cracked a smile.
Ichigo smiled as well, and sighed in relief. He then proceeded to talk to him in a normal, respectful manner.
"Thank you. I am sorry for denying it to your face, I was just embarrased by what I did. It was a bit childish from my side. Anyway, I appreciate your blessing and support and I am sorry for acting like a jealous jerk this whole time. I should have been more welcoming towards you...." Ichigo admitted with a small smile.
"Well...Now that we have cleared the air, I must go. I am leaving for Soul Society tomorrow, since my duties here are done. You take care of her, son." Kaien shaked hands with Ichigo.
"I certainly will. Have a safe trip." Ichigo confirmed and wished him well.
"Thank you. Goodbye." Said Kaien as he left.

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