Part 19

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"It's time for me to go." Rukia said while smiling at Ichigo. Ichigo did not, however, share the enthusiasm.
"Oh come on, Ichigo, it's only three days. You will be able to manage your life and this town without me. I have a lot of faith in you!" She said and tapped his shoulder.
"What do you mean, you lil 4-foot brat? Of course I can live without you for three days, it's not like the whole world revolves around you." He said, trying to play it cool.
"Oh okay then, you mean idiot. How rude." Rukia commented on Ichigo's cold act.
"I am not rude but sometimes you act like you're so important. Remember I had a life here before you even came? Yeah, exactly. I will be just fine." Ichigo continued with his cold attitude which started to annoy Rukia. She knew she was going to miss him a lot even if it's just three days, so it did bother her when he was being a cold-hearted asshole.
"Okay, have fun by yourself then. I know you are gonna miss me deep down, even if you can't admit it to yourself." Rukia said and playfully grinned at Ichigo. Ichigo just kept a straight face which made Rukia feel kind of stupid for saying that.
"Yeah I will, thank God. See ya." Ichigo turned on his feet and went back inside the house. Rukia was standing there, completely shocked.
What the hell has just happened?
She thought, while staring at the closed door.
He went back inside, without even saying anything nice, such as "Have fun, I will miss you". He could have at least given me a hug! So rude!
She decided to go. She wasn't going to say anything. After some time, she met up with Kisuke at his place.
"Oh hello Rukia! What a pleasant surprise! What brings you here today? Wait, wait-let me guess. It's your travel day, right? " Urahara smiled at Rukia.
"Correct." She said while smiling back to him.
"I know, I know. Let's get going then." He said.
"Okay." She started following him.
"So...You are going to Soul Society for 3 days. You excited?" He asked her.
"Yeah, kinda." She answered, with her face expression blank. Her thoughts seemed to be elsewhere.
"You don't seem so happy about this though. What's bothering you?" Urahara noticed and asked.
"I don't know." Rukia honestly answered.
"Has that boy Ichigo done something to upset you, perhaps?" Urahara asked with a confident smile on his face.
"No, Ichigo hasn't done anything." Rukia said.
But that's the point-He hasn't done anything. I wish he at least wished me a safe travel or hugged me. Or at least smiled at me, if anything. She thought, secretely hating herself for caring for Ichigo more than he cares for her.
"Oh boy. You teenagers have a lot on your mind these days. But keep in mind that I can't help you if you don't tell me what's wrong." He said.
"Yeah I know that...Okay. I will tell you." Rukia gave in and accepted his offer.
"I am all ears." Urahara said and smiled.
"So when Kaien offered me to be his replacement and complete his duties while he's gone, I was literally on the 7th cloud. I was overjoyed that he decided to pick ME, out of all great people in Soul Society and entrust me with something so important. I was so happy to help him out, so I accepted his offer, since this was something I always dreamed of doing, since I was a child." She said.
"So what's the problem, then? You changed your mind?" Urahara asked, slightly confused.
"No...I still wanna do it, that's why I am here. But...I started thinking know, stuff." She stated.
"What stuff?" Urahara asked another question.
"It's hard for me to leave the Human World. When I leave, it's like I am leaving all these amazing people behind and I feel like I am missing out on many things when I am gone. I know that Soul Society is my home, and I love every single part of it, but Human World is important to me too. So I feel like, when the day comes for me to leave for good, I won't be happy about it. I feel like I will be depressed and like the part of my heart and life would be ripped out from me." She finished.
"Woah, you are thinking about so much unnecessary stuff, Rukia. Look at you, worrying your little head over something so minor. I get it. I get how you feel. But I also get the fact that Byakuya wouldn't want to see you sad, so he would give you the choice, just like he gave me one. Look at me. I live in the Human World, but I am still helping out in any ways that I can. I still work for Soul Society. You can always choose what makes you happy and settle for that option. Don't worry about this." He said, trying to calm her down.
"You're right, I probably shouldn't worry about this stuff. When the time comes, I will know exactly how I feel and what to do, and I will talk to my brother about it. It's just unreal how much Human World actually means to me and I spent so little time here." She said.
"Yeah well, you made some friends for life, after all. Ichigo would be absolutely devastated if you had to leave for good. I bet that boy is gonna be so bored once you're gone, Rukia. Don't worry about this." He said and smiled.
"Thank you, Urahara. You always manage to calm me down." She said, feeling grateful to him.
"You're welcome. Okay. The portal's ready. The question is-are you, Rukia?" He asked and smiled.
"Yeah!" She smiled as the doors opened.
"Have a safe trip then!" Urahara wished her well as she was entering the portal.
"Thank you, Urahara, you take care too!" Rukia said, without looking back.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2018 ⏰

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