02: Game On

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Finding my way through school wasn't hard at all

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Finding my way through school wasn't hard at all.

Darcy and I had already collected our timetables and luckily for us, our lockers were right next to each other.

But unluckily, our classes were hardly the same.

"What the hell?" Darcy huffed and rolled her eyes, and I frowned in disapproval as I saw my timetable.

"Hey! At least we have lunch and English at the same time right?" I say not so enthusiastically and Darcy gives a sad smile.

"Yeah yeah," she grumbled, and I punched her shoulder lightly as the bell rang.

First day without my best friend.

How wonderful.


I made my way to the cafeteria, the school becoming boring as moments pass.

No drama?


No fake bitches?

No hot guys?

What the hell?

I didn't have any cliché class incident, like most girls do.

The guy usually says,' This is my seat.'

Then the girl retorts, 'Does it have your name on it?' etcetera.

Maybe I'm not hot enough.


I'm not hot.

That might be it.

I didn't make any new friends.

Everyone practically avoided me, making me wonder if I looked that horrendous or bitchy, I don't know.

I sighed out of exhaustion and sat on one chair of the table Darcy and I promised we would sit in.

I started eating the fries my dad packed for lunch, and then I saw Darcy coming towards my way, talking animatedly with a guy.

Ooh, Jason is going to get jealous.

"Hey!" Darcy exclaims cheerfully, and I wondered what happy bee crawled up her ass.

I'm sorry, but too much happiness makes me feel grumpy.

Darcy plopped on one chair, and she introduced the guy she was talking to.

"Silver, meet Carl. Carl, meet Silver," she says happily, and I was getting creeped out.

Carl was a good looking guy, but not my type.

He had curly dark blond hair, a tall lanky figure and a childish aura around him, which made him extremely likable.

His eyes were almond shaped and of a dark brown colour, and he also screamed 'happiness' and 'flirty', and something about him made me smile.

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