05: The Ruination

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Never did Beck think that he would be in this position

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Never did Beck think that he would be in this position.

He was pranking a girl who called him cute.

"Jeff, you done yet?" Beck hissed, irritated because he was at school at 8 am when it clearly started at 10, and it wasn't helping when Jeff was glittering her locker using Arlo's sister's glitter.

"Perfection takes time." Jeff grunted, making Beck roll his eyes as Kashton was eyeing the glitter as if it were some foreign object, a disease or so.

"Why is he so slow?" Arlo groaned, making Beck nod in agreement, but he remembered why he was doing everything.

She called him cute.

A beautiful girl, nonetheless, but he hated it when anyone called him cute.

It bruised his ego, yes, but he had different reasons.

He would remember his mother's endearing words, her cheerful laughter echoing in the hallway, his father being a jovial and happy man, hugging his son after he came back from work.

He remembered his first love Sarah, the girl who used to call him cute endearingly, and he used to protest but his heart always felt warm and fuzzy whenever she called him that.

But that was all when she left for another man, and he remembered the sight of her kissing his once best friend.

He never hit his best friend, he never protested.

He just walked away, his heart burning in agony.

And when he asked her about it, she denied everything and he became the fool for trusting the girl he gave his heart to.

She was truly a lying bitch.

And everything went downhill from there.

His mother was starting to drink excessively, his father committing adultery, saying his mother changed, he felt torn apart.

He had no shoulder to lean on.

He hated it when people called him an endearment because he felt that he would be let down.

He never once contacted his father after his father left, despite his father's continuous attempts to reach his son after marrying the woman he committed adultery with.

He felt somehow betrayed, and his mum drinking wasn't helping, but he was always with his mum.

He felt that she never left him, and she was there, drinking or not.

"Almost done..." Jeff muttered, and Kashton snatched the entire glitter bottle and covered it all over the locker within a second, huffing exasperatedly.

"Hey!" Jeff exclaimed, pouting, "I wanted to do that!"

Kashton gave him an annoyed glare, making Jeff raise his hands in surrender.

"Fine." he grumbled nonchalantly.

Just as they were about to turn, Arlo let out a yelp, making them stop their footsteps immediately.

"What Arlo?" Jeff groaned, and Arlo took out a small piece of paper, scribbling something on it, keeping it in the heavily glittered locker.

"All done!" he yelped, and the others nodded their head, all except Beck.

He wanted to see what was in that chit, but he was scared that Sliver might find him.

So, along with the others, he went to the cafeteria, munching on the good food.

Yes. Their school did have a good cafeteria.

The golden crisp fries were on his plate, along with some of the bacon and eggs which he ate like was a man having his last meal.

"Dumbass, stop taking my fries!" cried Arlo and Jeff just shrugged, continuing to take the fries from his best friend's plate.

An annoyed expression crossed Kashton's face as he stared at Jeff, who was chewing and hogging down the fries.

"You eat like a pig."

"Thank you."

"No, I'm serious. Can't you chew a bit softer?"

Jeff shrugged.

"Nobody can define the way to eat. Food is food." he said

Kashton rolled his eyes, and then began a long lecture on why he should eat properly, and Jeff just kept on retorting back, with Arlo's snide remarks added.

Beck shook his head as he saw the sight around him.

These boys were forever his family.


A very tired Beck entered the school showers, sweat drenching his t shirt, which he gladly removed.

He turned the shower on, letting the hot water fall on his back, feeling relieved at the feeling of the water calming his tensed muscles.

Sanitation was never a problem in their school. It was a public school, and with a small town like theirs, there was only one highschool in the entire town, that too, a big one.

He grabbed the shampoo bottle and squirted the substance in his hand, ruffling it through his hair.

The substance felt sticky.

It felt different.

Within a few moments, his hair became crisp as a fresh sheet of paper, and it felt hard.

He couldn't ruffle his hair.

It was as solid as a rock, and he couldn't do anything to actually feel the silky soft strands he liked touching.

He continued bathing for a few moments, and then he turned off the taps, wrapping a towel firmly around his waist as he came of the shower and he changed into a fresh pair of pants and a gym shirt.

He went inside the boys washroom as he allowed to look at himself in the mirror.

Shampoo bubbles floated in his hair, and his hair was twisting a twirling out, making him look like a bloody mess.

Silver had managed to get back at him, and she did it in one of the worst ways possible.

She ruined his hair.

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