Chapter 7

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Your POV


What the crap!? Sebastian is kissing me! I moaned before reluctantly kissing back. 

Pluto's POV (hehe)

I was looking for (Y/N) when I stumbled upons something very 'interesting'. I started barking like crazy not wanting to see my mate like this. They immediatly broke up at my angry growls.

I was growling like a feral dog as (Y/N) stared in shock and embarrassment, while Sebastian gave me a VERY hardcore demon glare. Before they could say anything I ran towards (Y/N) and ran away with her. "GET BACK HERE PLUTO!" yelled Sebastian chasing me.

(Y/N) was snuggling in my chest holding onto me at all cost. I blushed lightly but not enough for her to see.

Your POV

After Pluto took me from a *ahem* situation. he started licking me and grooming me I replied licking him back, he basically purred at my actions. I tried to get out of his reach but before I could even move much Pluto hugged me even tighter.

He started whimpering as he kept nuzzling his head into my shoulder. I just sighed as I laid back on him. 

(I know it's short.) 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2017 ⏰

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