About Me

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So all of you who are reading can get to know more about me I'll start by saying that I have always been on the chubby side since I was little. Growing up I could never run as fast or do things that other kids did. We would have challenges in P.E doing pull-ups and push-ups and I couldn't even do one. I never really got bullied in elementary school. A few comments here and there. Nothing to serious which I'm thankful because a lot of kids get bullied because of their weight. I'm very sorry if you have because I know that brings you down and can cause major emotional problems in the future. One thing that did happen to me was getting called on by my parents. My dad especially would always call me fat and make jokes about it. I would cry because my own dad told me those things. In middle school was when everything changed. People were going through puberty, lots of people were in relationships. I had lots of crushes, I still like one specifically but he will never notice me. My best friends all had boyfriends and they would always talk about them. I would always try to change the subject since I had never been in a relationship just because of felt embarrassed. That's when I started worrying about my weight. I wanted to loose weight so that my crush could like me. That never went well, I would eat literally everything I saw. My family would always go out to eat fast food. Fast food is everywhere here in America. There are literally tons of 1$ menu items you can buy and that's what my family tend to get. In 7th grade I joined a sport for the first time which was basketball. I sucked so bad but I made it through the season. Then in 8th grade I joined again but I also joined volleyball for the first time that year. I fell in love with volleyball. It was one of my favorite sports. I don't remember exactly but around 7th or 8th grade I started my period. It came for a few months but then it started skipping months, then a year went without me getting a single period. I was a freshman when I decided to go to the doctors and they gave me pills to take and they said to go back if they didn't work, but I never went back till this year. When I went back after a few years they gave me more pills one for my period and one for my weight which are pills for diabetes. I'm taking pills that are usually given to patients with diabetes. Going back to freshman year I joined volleyball again. I only went for a week and quit. I couldn't take it, there were to many exercise we had to do. We had to run a mile then after that do some warmups and then go inside and do more exercise. Going back to that year my weight was around 215. I never knew how obese I was back then until now. I'm at 220 and now I'm realizing that I was very fat in middle school. I also never mentioned I injured my foot in middle school all because I fell down the stairs and my weight was to much for my feet to handle. I don't have any photos I can look back on because I used to hate taking photos of myself, even if it was a family picture. I hated it, I don't exactly remember why but that's how I was. Every time I was in public I wanted to hide, when I would go to my school home games I would get so scarred going in front of everyone just to go sit on the bleachers. I was never confident with myself. (I kind of got ahead of myself and went to freshman year but I'm going back to middle school.) I had a friend in 8th grade who I started hanging out with more and she was the loudest person. She was very confident and humorous. I began hanging out with her and I started seeing changes in myself personality wise. I began talking to teachers and answering questions here and there. I was a very quiet person all through out my elementary and middle school year. I also began talking to my classmates but she did kind of get me out of my shell not completely though. But I'm so thankful for her because otherwise I would have never made a change in my self if it wasn't for her. Now going back to high school I don't exactly remember when I started exercising and going bike riding. One day I went over to an old friends house and we started to hang out a lot. In the summer we would go to the track and run a mile, we would go bike riding 5 miles away. We did a lot of exercise, it made me feel very good about myself and it was fun. School started and winter came and we never had time to go do exercise, it never fit into our schedules. Sophomore year I made tons of friends, I became more confiedent as the years went by. I was still focused on my weight. I tried out new diets like the 7 day water fasting. Eating one meal a day, things you shouldn't be doing, like puking. I was in a very bad mindset. Junior year came around and I always had a gym class but that year was very different. It was an all girl weightlifting class and only 7 girls were in there which was very different to me. Our coach was also a girl and every year I had male instructors. She pushed us to try new exercises and weight lifts. I really loved that class we did all sort of things like yoga, we tried out new games we never played like mitten-ball. One achievenemnt I was very proud of was running a mile. This was the first time I ever ran a mile without stopping. All the running in the summer got me prepared and I ran a mile in less than 10 minutes WITHOUT STOPPING. That is one thing I want to be able to do again. Senior year, this year rolled around. I promised my self I was going to start a serious weight loss journey. That never came around 2018 came and I made a New Years resolution. No pop for a year. I'm on my third month and I am very proud to say I haven't had any kind of soda. I was never a fan of soda until I tasted dr.pepper. I instantly loved it, I kept drinking and drinking and soon I started drinking all kinds of pops. I would drink pop every week, which was rare for me because I would go month without drinking soda. So I decided to make it a New Years resolution to go back to my old self and stop drinking pop like I used to. That is going very good I have craving here and there but they go away. If I can do that I can do other things. With the pills I'm taking right now for my period and weight, My doctor told me to try and eat healthy and to come back in two month to check on how I'm doing with my weight and my period. That's why I'm doing this weight challenge. This is for me and my goal which has been to loose weight for eight years now. I bought a bunch of fruit and vegetable and I'm planning on making a meal plan. I bought almond milk instead of regular milk. I also bought kale for the first time so I can add in my smoothies. This is the first time I bought food like I said I would for my diet. This is one big step to acually make me start eating healthy, because I have the food in my fridge.

I still have to edit this sorry about the mistakes and if it didn't make sense I just want to upload something as soon as possible.

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