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Heyy guys it's May 2019. I started doing knee pushups a few weeks ago. I'd say about three weeks ago. I wasn't able to do one regular pushup. Now I'm able to do six.
I'm super HAPPY and PROUD of myself. I don't ever remember being able to do at least one good regular pushup EVER but now I can do SIX. Every day I do at least 30 knee pushups and it's been very helpful. I started doing pushups because of my brother. He's always going to the gym and showing me his body transformation and then I got motivated. The motivation to do pushups every day just got to me I've missed like five days but in three weeks guys. That's something to celebrate. 🎉I can see some muscles on my arms and I'm loving every bit of it. I'm being constant and I'm seeing results.
I also got a membership at the YMCA and I've officially started college. After I get done with school I go straight to the Y and then go to work. I wake up at 5:50Am and start school at 7.00am. It isn't a very different routine than what I'm used to. I'm almost done with my first two summer class they end the 28th of June. Then I start another two and officially begin all my classes in August. I go to the gym for about an hour and a half. Sometimes I only do an hour because I need to go to work afterwards. The first two days I went with my friends then I took a break since it was the weekend but now I'm back at it. When I go in the mornings I go alone. I've started drinking lots of water and I try not to drink other drinks like juice or pop. I feel healthier even though it's only been a week of me drinking only water. My goal is to loose all my stomach and arm fat and gain muscle on my arms. I haven't increased on my pushups because I'm not constantly doing them like I used to but I'm still able to do six good form pushups. I'll update you guys next month :)

Life update.
I feel so much happier and confident this year. I used to be so shy and now I've noticed I'm slowly starting to open up. I got so many amazing coworkers. For my birthday they brought me gifts and food. Also I got a scholarship!!!! I'm SUPER HAPPY about it. Keep working hard for what you want because at the end you never know what's going to happen. You will get what you want or not. But don't feel bad if you don't because that's life. Life is filled with surprises. Don't be down about it just try harder. Every day is a new day with new opportunities. Be more open with yourself and others. Don't be shy like me. I've missed so many good opportunities and memories. I wish I could go back but I can't. Talk to that crush you like. Give your parents a hug, or guardians. Pick up that piece of cake you've been craving but just be careful if your trying to lose weight like me. Go hang out with your friends, swim, bike, hike. Go make memories! Thanks for all the support I can't believe I've gotten 1k reads. That's amazing. THANKS TO ALL OF YOU!

My Weight Loss BlogOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora