Chapter 4

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It was morning at school, and Austin was waiting for Jared at his first class like yesterday. He's been waiting for a while, but not much longer than yesterday, so he wasn't too worried yet. He'll get here, it shouldn't be too much longer. Austin kept telling himself.

Austin kept waiting, about five minutes later other students were starting to come in, but Jared was nowhere to be found. Eventually Austin had to leave because he had to get to his own class. As he walked down the halls, all he could think about was Jared.

Maybe he's just running late? Austin thought, trying to remain positive that his friend was okay. But his concern and panic were still gnawing at the back of his head. He'll be okay. Austin kept reassuring himself. He'll be okay.

All day Austin couldn't focus on anything in class, all he could think about was Jared. The longer he went without seeing him, the more worried he got. What if his mom really hurt him last night, so much he couldn't even force himself to go to school? What if he got sicker, and since he's not getting the proper care he-

"HARGRAVE!" Austin jumped as his thoughts were suddenly interrupted by an angry teacher. "Are you even listening?"

"Ah! I'msorryMr.Kruger!" Austin said quickly, his words merging together. Some of the kids in the class laughed.

"Now stop daydreaming and listen." Mr.Kruger said, then he continued with his teaching. Well sorry that I'm worried about my friend that could be dead. Austin thought, frustrated. Then Austin thought of something. For all I know....Jared could be....dead. Just the thought of it devastated Austin, and his expression became crestfallen.

What if he was dead? Austin would never be able to see or talk to him again, and thinking of the last conversation he had with him just made him feel worse, the way he had made Jared snap at him. The more Austin thought about it, the more his heart ached.

What if he's dying right now? What if he's suffering a slow and painful death, and I could do something to save him but can't because I'm stuck at school? What if I never see him again, he just disappears and I don't even know what happened to him? Austin thought, growing more and more distressed and upset, his thoughts of 'what if' just eating him alive.

"Hargrave! What did I just say?" Mr.Kruger exclaimed, making Austin jump again.

"I'm sorry sir I didn't mean to." Austin replied apologetically. Mr.Kruger eyed him skeptically.

"Is there something wrong Austin? You look distraught." He stated. Then everyone's eyes were on Austin. Just great, if you want to make an observation like that couldn't you wait until after class? Austin thought.

"I-it's nothing, I'm just having an off day." Austin replied. It wasn't like he could tell him that he was worried that his friend was badly hurt or dead, he made a promise to Jared not to tell anyone that he was being abused. He didn't want to explain it in front of the entire class.

"Alright." Mr.Kruger said, and he again went back to his teaching. Austin sighed, almost regretting his decision to not say anything. Jared could be in serious trouble right now, he should've been doing anything he could that would help Jared. But whenever he was tempted to tell someone about the abuse, he would think about what Jared had told him before.

"If I tell someone about this, I'll be stuck at some foster home for god knows how long, and I might never see you guys again. And even though she beats me and demoralizes me everyday, she's my mother, and I love her."

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