Chapter 12

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"Austin is it true? You found Jared?" Jon asked over Austin's phone.

"Yeah, he just came up to my door this morning. Right now I'm at the hospital, he just got here so it will probably be awhile until they stabilize him." Austin replied.

"What even happened? Do you know anything?"

"I don't know, when I saw Jared he didn't really say anything. I was convinced I was looking at a ghost, he looked awful. I don't think he even could say anything. I think something really bad happened while he was missing. Something that's scarred him worse than the years of abuse had." Austin insighted.

"What exactly was Jared like when you saw him?"

"Like I said he was like a ghost, I didn't think what I was seeing was real. He was pale and malnourished, like he hadn't ate anything in the month the he was missing. His whole face looked sunken, and his eyes were wide as if he were looking at a ghost. He was crying at the time too, and blood stained his face. There was blood all over him actually. On his clothes, seeping out of his back and stomach, dripping down his legs, and staining his hands and feet. The image has been burned in my mind, I'll never forget a single detail of how he looked. ....The thing is......" Austin trailed off.

"What? Austin what is it?" Jon pressed.

"The blood on his hands....I don't think it was his own." Austin informed.

"What!? If it wasn't his own then...."

"Then it was probably his mother's." Austin finished for him.

"But that' don't think Jared.....did it." There was a short silence as Austin thought about it.

"I don't know. I know he would never do it on purpose." Austin replied. "He did still love her despite everything."

"If he didn't do it, who or what did? Something must've happened, how else would Jared be able to come to your front door. I can't imagine he was able to escape his mom easily." Austin went quiet again, thinking about everything. Then Jon spoke again.

"Hang on Austin, I'm on my way over there. I'll text the others about what's going on too." He said.

"But today's a school day."

"Like I care about school right now, one of my friends has been missing for a month and is now hospitalized, I think that's a good enough excuse to miss school. Besides it's not like you haven't been skipping."

"Yeah, I know."

"Anyway I'll be there soon." Then after that Jon hung up. Austin lowered the phone from his ear and put it in his pocket. He sighed as he started thinking about the conversation.

Jon's right when saying that something must've happened to his mom, because I can't imagine he'd be able to leave so easily either. And he must've been with his mom, how else could he have gotten those new wounds. Austin thought, then he groaned in frustration.

"I hate speculating, I just want to know." He muttered as he ran fingers through his hair. "Jared what happened? Do you even remember?" That's when Austin heard footsteps nearing him and he looked up, seeing Stewart. Him and his parents had came with him to the hospital.

Stewart sat next to Austin and put a hand on his shoulder.

"It'll be okay, Jared's here now and that's all that matters." Stewart reassured. Austin sighed.


An hour or so had passed when the doctor had finally come out of the room. He then walked over to where Austin and his family and Jon were waiting and told them about Jared's condition.

"His injuries weren't too severe and it shouldn't be too long until he fully recovers. The only problem is the mental trauma he has sustained over the time he's been missing. He remains completely unresponsive to anything we say or do, and there's no telling when he'll be back to normal....if ever." The doctor somberly informed. There was silence for a moment then. "I'd recommend talking to him, he might respond to you." He suggested.

Austin then looked back at his family and Jon.

"Go ahead honey." His mother responded, and he saw Jon give a nod of reassurance. Austin nodded back and walked past the doctor and into Jared's room. There, Austin felt a sense of deja vu when he saw Jared lying in the white hospital bed, bandages on his arms and head and an iv attached to his wrist.

The main difference this time was that Jared's eyes were open, he appeared to be awake. But when Austin looked closer at his eyes, the glassy look to them became evident, and he seemed to not be entirely there.

Now that Austin was focusing on his face, he could see just how sunken his features were. In fact his whole body looked malnourished. Austin wondered when the last time Jared had actually eaten was. He then started walking closer to Jared and took a seat next to his bed. Like he expected, Jared did not seem to notice him at all.

"Jared?" Austin said. .....No response. "I know you're there Jared, you have to be. I heard you say my name this morning. I'm here now and I'm going to help you. I know something terrible happened when you were missing, something you'll probably never forget or get over. But....." Austin trailed off.

But what? What could I possibly say or do to make this better? Austin thought. ....What would Jared want me to do? He thought about his past conversations with Jared.

I didn't need you to say anything to help me, In fact I didn't want you to. I just wanted to have chaotic fun with you guys everyday, It cheered me up and made me forget about my home life, even if it was just for a moment.

"But I'll help make it better, me and the rest of the guys. Whenever you need someone to talk to, or just need someone to keep you company, we'll be there. Whatever happened we'll help put it behind you, we'll be with you to keep it away. Jared I promise that you'll never have to face these problems alone ever again, because I won't let you. You're my friend, and I'm here for you." Austin said. Just like you were always there for me.

The room was then silent as Austin waited in hope for Jared to respond. There was still nothing, his expression remained as blank as ever, and there wasn't even a twitch of movement. Austin sighed and hung his head.

"Jared...." That's when he saw something move from the corner of his eye, something that was lying right in front of him. He looked up, Jared was now facing him. He was crying.

"Austin." He said in a quiet, choked up voice. He was weakly reaching out a hand to Austin, his arm trembling as he did so. Austin smiled and tears welled up in his own eyes as he clasped Jared's frail hand in his own.

"I knew you were there." Austin remarked.

"You're're really here...." Austin nodded.

"You're safe now, I won't let anything else hurt you again. It's my turn to protect you." He assured. Jared started to cry more as his grip on Austin's hand tightened.

"....Help me...." He mumbled, his body shaking. Austin leaned closer to Jared and enveloped him into a hug.

"Always." He replied.

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