Chapter 5

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How could this happen to Jared? I just don't understand how his mom could do this to him. Does she not love him at all? Austin thought as he sat in the hospital's waiting room. The ambulance had taken Jared here about thirty minutes ago, and now Austin was waiting to hear whether Jared would be okay or not, and he wasn't going to leave until he does. Even if he had to wait all night.

What Jared said, is that how he really feels about himself? After being crucified by his mother for so long, does he just believe it's true? Austin thought. Then he sighed. What will happen after this? Is he just going to go back home to his mom and take the same abuse? What will his mom think when she finds out Jared's been hospitalized?

Will....will Jared even be okay? He was in such bad shape. What if he.....what if he doesn't make it? Austin could barely handle the thought of it without crying. Why did this have to happen? Why? Austin questioned, his face buried in his hands. Then he heard a familiar voice.

"Austin! We came as soon as we got your text, is Jared going to be okay?" Austin looked up and saw Jirard, Satch, Paul, Josh, Nick, Shane, and Jon rushing up to him.

"I....I don't know." Austin replied, looking at the floor. "He got here only a while ago, it'll probably still be some hours before the doctor tells us how he's doing."

"Austin what's going on? We know you know something, Jared getting hurt like that isn't a simple accident." Satch said. Austin was silent for a moment.

"I don't know anything, I just found him at his house like that." Austin replied.

"Austin, the way you acted at school, you acted like that because you know what's going on, you know what's been hurting Jared. Now tell us, we deserve to know." Nick voiced. Austin looked at them and he felt tears start to well up in his eyes. Nick was right, they deserved to know.

"J-Jared....he's been........h-his mother, she's been......she's been abusing him." Austin finally said, and the others' eyes widened. "She's been beating him for years, trying to make him perfect, and Jared just accepted it." Austin clenched his fists and his voice shook. "Now Jared might die, he could die believing that he's truly worthless and unwanted. I don't want Jared to die like that, I don't want Jared to die." Austin said, crying. The others walked closer to him and Jirard sat down next to him, putting an arm around his shoulders like he had before.

"Jared doesn't deserve this, so why? Why did this happen? Why would she do this to him?" Austin cried. No one really knew what to say to reassure Austin. They were all worried for Jared's well being, and they didn't know if he was going to be okay or not, so they couldn't make any promises that he would be.

They just couldn't believe that Jared had been being abused. How did they never suspect it? Even when something was clearly wrong they just dismissed it. How long has Jared endured the abuse? How many years? How has he been able to hide something like that from them for so long?

Then a nurse started walking to them from down the hall.

"Excuse me, your the friends of the young man that was brought in just a while ago, right?" She asked.

"Yeah." Paul answered.

"Do you know where his parents are?" She inquired. Everyone looked at Austin, expecting him to answer.

"His dad died a long time ago, and his mom is at work. I already told her what happened, and she said she'll be coming soon." Austin lied.

"Do you know what happened to him? How did he get those injuries?" Austin hesitated for a moment.

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