The Garden

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As Mary went inside the garden she noticed everything appeared overgrown. Rosebushes covered in cobwebs, and a swing on a tree that was broken. A statue of a woman in the middle of it all. She was smiling with her arms raised to the sky.

"Its as if shes saying hello." Mary remarked.

At the foot of the statue she noticed a box. The box was golden, and it was old. It appeared dusty. She wiped it away. This box unlike the door was unlocked. She opened it. Inside. Was a letter.

"Oh wow." She whispered staring. She read the letter again, and then again. "I can't believe this." She whispered. Then, she looked up. "I have a cousin?" She asked herself. She put the box down, and pocketed the letter. She ran out of the garden, closed the door, and ran up the steps of her room. She took writing materials sitting on her desk, and ate a bite of the porridge now cold. She was hungry. She started to write:

"Dear Sarah,
Come visit at once.

Signed, Your cousin; Mary. "

She put it in an envelope, and ran downstairs.

Mary's Secrete (The Crewe Series Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now