Wierd war girl hates me

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We left after Percabeth picked us up in a horsey chariot, I was told they are Pegasus. Alex had changed into a girl and she and Sam were stroking and feeding the Pegasus in the Aphrodite stables. Mallory was trying to hide her pleasure by glowering at the horses but me being sunshine boy (Alex's new nickname for me) I could tell love the horses. For some reason so did Halfborn he was arguing with TJ about the Pegasus's names it went something like this....
TJ: I think this one is called Ventura
Halfborn: Nah its called Flan
TJ:No Vengir!
Halfborn: No Flan!
Piper: You guys are like kids SHE is called Jessica
You could see  TJ's jaw drop she was quite beautiful but I had Alex and she was all I needed. Alex grabbed my hand like she thought I was going away. "Piper" said a blond boy appearing behind her. "Yes" she said "Are these the people Annabeth is showing around."    "Yes Jason they are the ones I'm showing around." Said Annabeth dropping from nowhere.. "Let me introduce you guys, this is Magnus my cousins and his friends. That's TJ, that's Halfborn, that's Mallory, that's Sam and this is Alex. And for you guys this is Jason and that's Piper. I was so confused.

Jason POV
I wonder what godly parents these guys have, I know that they are Norse or Celtic children (I can't remember which one Annabeth told me they were). I don't know what to think of them, Annabeths cousin looks as sunny as Will Solace. After they were gone I asked Piper about them. "Were they Celtic or Norse?" "I can't believe you forgot they are Norse." She exclaimed. "Sorry" I laughed "I hope they are nice."

Magnus POV
Annabeth had taken us on most of the tour. We had seen most of the cabins and the canoe lake. Alex of course had teased me about either being an apollo kid or an Aphrodite kid like piper (Annabeth told me she was Aphrodite and Jason was Zeus). I met some interesting people such as Nico son of Hades, he could sense we were dead as he is the son of hades apparently. He was quite anti-social and his Doctor/Boyfriend told me it was just his personality. The doctor boyfriend is a guy called will solace he is quite nice.

"Hello?" Alex said while waving a hand in my face "are you alive?"
"Yeah sorry" I apologised "I was lost in my thoughts
"Typical sunshine boy" she said
I was leaning over to give her a kiss and I was getting that soapy feeling again when OOOFFFFF

Alex POV
And here I was thinking I was going to get a nice kiss from Maggie when his cousin goes barrelling into him. I was so shocked!!!! It turns out he was about to walk on a landmine that Clarisse (a girl from the Ares cabin) had set. She had been watching from the top of a wall made out of lava!!???? Apparently she thought he was to sunny (that's my joke urgh) and thought she would have some fun, seems a bit reckless to me.

Magnus POV
I think she doesn't like me :(

Thanks for reading be ready for chapter 3 coming soon if you like this check out kazika6 who is my inspiration this is my first book so please give some feedback

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