Why does everything go wrong???!!!!!???!!?????!!!

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Will POV
Black smoked poured from his ears. "Hello Will of the Apollo cabin." The voice said "who are you?? Your not nico ." I said worried "I am Tartarus I have come to warn you, the reason the monsters are attacking and are organised is because of a returning chaos from the sky, URANUS he will crush gia then me and finally chaos! But first atlas!" The voice said. I was shocked and so was Magnus (who had followed me). Then nico went limp. I took him to the infirmary and Magnus went to go get Chiron after some explaining at the war council everyone knew and even Clarisse look scared.

Percy POV
After the chat with Chiron I was scared but to be honest not surprised everything that had been happening felt like it would lead to a quest. Annabeth had to lecture me on Uranus (the sky version of gai) she called me seaweed brain (I love it when she does that, I also love her.... and cheeseburgers) I went to go see Magnus.
"Hey dude how are you doing." I said
"Yeah I'm good have we got a game plan yet." He replied.
"Nah hopefully soon."
Just as he was about to say something we heard screeching as some monster eagles were scrapping outside the boundaries. I thought this was fine until one came through the barrier!
"Is that meant to happen." Magnus said worried
I suddenly had a brainwave. "If it's an eagle who got through the boundaries it must be-" before I could finish the eagle turned human and plummeted. He had scars everywhere! "Frank!!!" Someone screamed

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