Oh no

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Magnus POV
Annabeth had given us the tour and we had separated for a private look around. I could see will and nico laughing (mostly will) and for some reason I got the same soap feeling probably because this almost felt like the home I had missed out on. I could see Mallory and Halfborn holding hands which made me smile and TJ was talking with the centaur Chiron. Alex had gone to supervise Sam when she was doing her prayers. Blitz had gone to "inspect the armoury" he was probably berating the design to Hearth.
I woke up jack.
"Hey Jack." I said cautiously
"I'm not talking" he sulked
"Not even if I let you go to the club I mean the forge where they have swords" I said trying to get him to agree 
"Fine" he said flying off. I could tell he was happy. I decided to head towards the woods to have a look. On first inspection the woods look normal but when you are inside it is like maze with spindly vines and moss everywhere.
"Hello" I shouted cautiously
It was getting closer!
"Alex is that you this is not funny" I said in an admittedly high pitched voice. Suddenly I heard the swish of a blade and I turned around to see a big ant drop from the trees above with a Stygian iron blade in it.
"Can you pass that back up" someone said. Trying to act tough I said sarcastically "what the ant or the sword"  The figure dropped down, it was Nico. "Thanks" I said
"Don't worry about it" he murmured
"NICO" someone shouted "COME QUICK THERE IS TROUBLE" quickly picking up his sword he melted into the shadows. I ran quickly out into the camp to find Sam waiting quite panicked. "What's up." I exclaimed
"Well according to Chiron we have to go to an emergency meeting at the big house." She said. "Well then lets go then" I said.
~Time skip~
We were in the house and Chiron was explaining what the problem was.
"Hazel and Frank were injured trying to get here with calypso and Leo." This caused many gasps. I didn't know who these people were but even Clarisse was shocked meaning it must be something. "Leo and calypso are fine but frank and hazel are unconscious but according to will they will be ok."
"But the worst part is that waiting outside apparently hidden according to Caleo there is a gargantuan army of monsters, even though they can't get in they can stir up monsters inside the forest like the ants. We can't fight the horde by ourselves and our only way is to send an email to the roman camp and hope they can help. It might take a few days maybe weeks so I'm afraid Magnus you are going to have to stay for a bit. First thing tomorrow cabin sorting for you guys."

We all fell more silent than before if that is possible.

Oh no!!!!! I mean at least I can go back to my family so I won't be missed!

Alex POV

Blitz,Hearth,TJ,Mallory and Halfborn POV

Oh no

Thanks for reading and keep sharp for the next chapter and remember to vote and comment feedback and check out kazika6 as she is my idol on what pad

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