AOT Armin x reader

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Why, why, why I started bawling as the Titian that ate my best friend walked towards me. What's my point in living why am I alive still why can't I move. I decided to just let myself get eaten. I fell to the ground and undid all my gear. The Titian was less than 50 feet away from me, I expected to get eaten in a few seconds. Seconds soon turned to minutes I opened my eyes, which I had closed. I saw a dead Titian and An Armin covered in blood. Armin walked over and helped me up. "(Y/n) are you hurt" I shaked my head no. Armin looked very concerned. All the Titians were dead and we went back to camp, I followed Armin to his room. "(Y/ N) YOU COULD HAVE BEEN EATEN" he yelled worryingly. I sighed and started crying. I lost my best friend, my parents, my whole family. All I had left was Armin, tears streamed down my face. Armin put his arms around me as I thought about my sad, depressing life. "Thank you Armin" I said looking up at him. I smiled then hugged him.

1 year later
It's been one year since she died, I looked at her grave which said
In memory of (bf/n) (bf/ln) (bday)-(deathday)
Daughter, friend

Armin came and gave me a hug from behind, I smiled and kissed him. Then I frowned again, the ground soon shook. "TITIANS" somebody yelled, we had our gear on so we were ready to fight. I started to run to the titians and I saw it, the Titian, the Titian that ate her. I started to cry, then stopped. I aggressively killed the Titian, I was now covered in blood. That felt good, I smiled, then blacked out. I woke up in the tiny infirmary, I sat up, coughed, then walked out. Armin ran up to me and hugged me tightly, "(y/n) you scared me, don't do that again". I laughed and smiled, a real smile two things I don't do a lot. I turned around and looked at Armins blue eyes, I was going to say I loved him then kiss him, but Armin got the first move. We broke away from the kiss due to something called air. "I love you" is said"love you to" he answered.

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