Yurioxpregnant!reader part one

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I lean over the toilet with the test in my hand. I keep examining it. It's can't be true, can it? I stare down at the ground, then throw up again. I still remember the day that me and Yurio made love, we didn't use protection though. It is true, I'm pregnant, I'm carrying yurios child. We're both so young though, only 15, are we even ready for this? It's not like I have a choice though I'm going to keep the baby, I'm just scared. I'm scared he's going to leave me, Yurio doesn't like children that much, and his ice skating he needs to focus on that. I have to tell him though, I don't have any choice. I walk into our bedroom in our small apartment. "Baby, are you feeling okay?" He asks, I shudder at hearing the word baby. "Yea I just need to tell you something", "what is it?" He asks gently kissing my forehead. I take a deep breath as I form tears, "yurio, I'm pregnant" I start crying. Yurio looks shocked, then he smiles a gentle smile. "Baby" he says as he wipes my tears away, "I'm so happy". I smile, I didn't except this response from him. "I'm sacred Yuri" I say with a worried face, "I'm not old enough for this I can't go it I can't" I say. "(Y/n) , my love, do not worry I will be here with you every step of the way" he says as a small tear rolls down his cheeks. He hugs me from behind, placing his hands on my stomach. "I love you" he says, "I love you too" I say back.

~6 months later~

I have a noticeable bump very large and I have the worst craving and it's Just a lot-. I sit at the table shoveling ice cream into my mouth, I have a bucket next to me for a throw up every 30 minutes. Yurio is getting dressed still, today we are going to buy furniture for our nursery. He walks out of the room, "you ready baby"? He asks. "Yea" I say tiredly.
We get in the elevator, then walk to the car. He opens the door for me and helps me buckle my seatbelt, he's so sweet to me. He then closes the door and climbs in the car. I read one of my parenting books on the way, highlighting important things and telling Yurio everything I read. We finally arrive at the store, we start looking at cribs. I am having a girl, at least that's what the doctor told me at my last ultrasound. We walk out of the store with several bags and men with Dolly's wheeling things to our car. When we arrive home, Yurio makes me wait in the living room while he assembles the furniture. He said he wanted to surprise me with it. He then walks into the living room and grabs my hand, he leads me to the room. I walk in, tears forming. Its beautiful. I can't wait to raise my baby here, our baby. He holds me in his arms as we stare in amazement at our child's Future room.

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