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Jimin POV

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Jimin POV

"Jimin, are you in here?" a man asked, knocking abruptly on the door. Jimin slowly opened his eyes and sighed. He'd spent the past hour laying on his bed, his head spinning and heart pounding; Jungkook's flustered face burned behind his eyes. Was he in love with Jungkook? No, it wasn't something like that yet, he thought. But he liked the idea of maybe being with Jungkook. It filled him with this warm feeling that made him grin like an idiot.

"Hello, Earth to Jimin" his dad, waving a hand over his son's face as he sat beside him. Jimin sat up and glanced at his drawers, where he hid the Box.
"We're not on Earth, Dad" he muttered. His father chuckled and patted his shoulder.
"That's the wonder of it, we're up here, closer to the stars than any other human being" he marvelled. Jimin shook his dad's hand off his shoulder.

"I don't want the stars or the moon or the rocks that are oh so interesting. I want to go home!" he shouted, not aware how he'd become so angry so quickly. Maybe it was because he was jealous. Jealous that right now, Jungkook would be outside with his hyungs, his friends. Out in the Sun, walking past trees and grass. He was jealous and angry that Jungkook could have friends and go to parties and get drunk and look up at the stars, knowing he was safe on Earth.

"What has gotten into you?" his father asked, a look of concern on his face. Up until now, Jimin had been fine, he told himself. He loved watching his mother and himself carry out their research. Now he stayed in his room all day, barely spoke to them and when he did it seemed like the life had been sucked out him.
"This is your home, Jimin" he said firmly, standing up. Jimin looked at him, his mouth slightly open. 

Jimin stayed quiet as his mother popped her head round his door.
"Everything okay here? I heard someone shouting" she asked, a look of worry on her face. Jimin balled his hands into fists, his nails digging into his palms painfully.
"Nothing, we just talking about Jimin coming with me out on the rover to collect samples." his father said brightly. His mother grinned hapily and stepped into his room.

"Just like old times, hey Jimin. I'll come too and then afterwards, if we have time-" she started before Jimin cut her off.
"You never have time" he said curtly. She bit her lip and glanced at his father. Jimin sighed and lied back on his bed.
"I don't want to go anymore....I don't feel well" he muttered. His father touched his forehead softly, checking if he was too hot or not.

"Do you want us to get the doctor to look at you?" he asked, softly. Jimin could see that he was sorry for shouting at Jimin. 
"I'm just tired....go on without me" he said, closing his eyes. He waited till they left before he let the tears come.

He hated living away from Jungkook, away from the human race. There were people he hadn't met yet, conversations he could have had, if he had lived on Earth for longer.

Instead he was stuck, hundreds of thousands of miles away with unsure feelings about a boy who could never be his.

a/n honestly the tenses in this book keep changing. sometimes i wonder how i managed to pass gcse english language

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