thirty six

90 4 4

[mature scenes ahead]

Jimin POV

The house is empty as Jungkook silently closes the door. He presses a finger to his lip, motioning for me to stay quiet, as we slowly climb the stairs. Jungkook glances at the door to his left, which I guess must be his parent's room. He pulls me to the door at the end of the corridor and closes it.

I take in the comics that are neatly stacked in the desktop. The gaming laptop with vibrantly coloured stickers pasted onto it, the posters and pictures that dot the faded blue walls.

Jungkook draws the curtain shut and locks his door. He silently clears the dirty clothes strewn on his bed and dumps them in the laundry basket behind the door.

"Don't just stand there" he whispers as he takes off his jacket, then his jeans. I watch the way his muscles tense and relax as he pulls his shirt over his head. Doing the same, I slip under the sheets beside him.

I can feel Jungkook shiver slightly and turn him to face me.
"Thanks for letting me stay" I say, my voice too loud for the suffocating  silence that envelopes us.

Jungkook leans forward, gently kissing me, his hands pulling me closer to him. I pull him on top of me, my hands resting at his hips as his lips move down my jaw, sending chills through me with every touch.

"We have to be quiet" Jungkook whispers, his voice slithering in my ear, surrounding my brain and every thought. I only nod, biting my lip as he gently sucks the skin of my neck.

He moves back to kiss me, with more ferocity, more passion. I tangle my fingers in his hair, run them down his chest, his back, his thighs, trying to feel everything about him.

Trying to remember everything.

Jungkook's hands slowly travel down my chest, before squeezing my thigh. I let out a breathy sigh as he leaves a trail of kisses from my neck downwards. I reach down, helping him slip off my boxers.

"You can tell me to stop at anytime" he says, looking up at me. The way his eyes, dark and hooded, look up to me with a hidden storm of lust and want. I couldn't say no even if I wanted to.

"I trust you" I mutter, the room becoming increasingly hot. Jungkook reaches over to the small drawer next to his bed, pulling out a small tub. I watch him coat his fingers before smiling at me. The devil never looked so good.

I gasp as his mouth encloses around my member, slowly dragging his tongue along the tip. I let out a soft moan as he quicken his pace, glancing up at me every so often. I grip his shoulders, bucking my hips up as moans fall from my lips, Jungkook's warning flying out the window.

He squeezes my thigh, as if to remind but I don't acknowledge it. My breathing is fast and shallow before Jungkook removes his mouth from my member, the sudden lose of contact making me needy.

He only smirks, pushing my legs open as he shuffles lower down. I bit down hard on my lips, supressing a loud groan as his finger enters me.
"J-Jungkook,...ah" I moan as he pumps his fingers in and out.
"Stay quiet baby" Jungkook mutters, his husky voice sending warm chills up spine.

I buck up my hips as Jungkook hits that spot, my mind going into into a frenzy. My fingers dig into his back hands he goes faster, no longer worried about the breathless moans that fall from my lips. I arch my back as I reach my orgasm, groaning into Jungkook's shoulder as my body shudders.

Jungkook lies next to me and close his eyes.
"You're not falling asleep are you?" I whisper. He shakes his head and rests it against my chest.
"Your heart is beating really fast " he mutters. I smile and slip my hand into his.
" I did just have he best night of my life" I say, stifling a yawn. Jungkook chuckles, the sound reverberating through my body.

Slowly I let my eyes droop and close, the memory of Jungkook imprinted in my skin.

Jungkook POV

Sunlight glares into my face from the gap in the curtains. I sit up and groan, rubbing my head. Looking at my side, I seen Jimin still sleeping, his arm lazily draped around my waist, the hickies I gave clearly evident against his smooth skin.

I grin at the memory of last night, the feeling of dominance, of finally making Jimin mine. For now, all of the worries about his parents, about any lies or secrets all go away. I gently shake his shoulder.
"Wakey wakey, sleepy baby" I mutter, placing a soft kiss on the shell of his ear. Jimin sits up, puffy eyed and hair in a tangled mess. But god does he look beautiful, I say to myself. 

"What time is it?" Jimin asks, his voice raspy from sleep. I shrug and swing my legs out of bed, stretching. I can feel his eyes on me as I put on clean jogging bottoms and a shirt. I turn around and kiss him softly. Jimin's hand wraps around my waist, pulling back onto the bed.
"Where are you going?" he mutters between my lips. I pull and rest my head against his forehead.

"We have to leave soon....before my parents wake up. I'll go find something for us to eat, get dressed,okay" I tell him as I stand up. Jimin nods and blows me a kiss as I slip out of my room. The door to my parent's room is closed and the rest of the house is silent; they've either gone out already or are asleep. I hum to myself as I go down the stairs, my mind wandering back to Jimin back upstairs, in my room and on my bed.

"I want him gone"

I turn to see my Dad leaning against the kitchen counter, dressed for work except for the undone top button on his shirt. I blink, too shocked to think of what to say. My mind races, wondering how he could possibly know that-
"Don't try to bullshit me, Jungkook. I want that person out of this house and out of your life" he spits, the sting of his hand against my face bringing tears to my eyes. I wipe them away furiously, not daring to look at him.

Closing the bedroom door, I rest my he'd against the cool wooden surface and close my eyes, for a moment trying to savour the memories of Jimin's touch.

"Hey, should we get out of here?" Jimin says, wrapping his arms around my waist and turning me to face him. He smiles at me, his hair damp from the shower and one of my oversized sweatshirts hanging loosely from his frame.

"You have to go" I say, pulling away from his grasp. Jimin frowns at me before looking at the door.
"Did your dad say something to you?" Jimin asks, his voice miraculously calm. I can't look at him, not when I might cry my heart out.
"Just go, Jimin. Get out" I say coldly, turning to him and shoving a jacket into his hands. Jimin's face falls as he stares at the item of clothing hanging in his arms.

I step aside and hold the door open, staring at the ground, wishing it would swallow me whole. Jimin looks at me, trying to meet my eyes before shaking his head.
"You're a coward, Jungkook......a fucking coward" he spits, anger concealing heartache. I stand my ground as Jimin pushes past me and thunders down the staircase.

I let my body collapse beneath me as the door slams shut. As what is left of my heart breaks into a thousand pieces.

I made the choice to bury my love for you... not anymore

Taehyung POV

"Tae! We did it" Somin squeals as we win the third round of Mario Cart against Seokjin, who's family have come over for dinner. Grinning, I stand up and stretch, lightly pushing Seokjin as he asks Somin for a rematch.~
"Just admit you've lost to a five year old, hyung" I say, chuckling as he sends me a glare. I wander past the kitchen, attempting to grab some of the food our moms are cooking.
"Taehyung! Go and get your father's glasses from his office, okay" my mom scolds, a smile on her face. I nod and take the stairs two at a time.

Thee, illuminated by the moonlight shining through the window, are my Dad's reading glasses. He always loses them, I say to myself as I grab them. A thud brings me to a stop, the noise coming from my bedroom. I slowly walk to wards my door, opening it slightly. A hunched figure crouches near the window, breathing heavily.
"Hyung.....h-help me" it says as I quickly close the door behind me, looking at Jungkook's hunched figure. I rush over to him before backing up.

The sharp, cloying smell of blood fills the room.....

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