Flying Through The Sky

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Note; I do not own A Certain Magical Index, A Certain Scientific Railgun, or Teen Titans





"Oh, come on!"

Mikoto whirled around to face Gunha, who was begging her for her bag of peanuts. "If you wanted peanuts, you should'nt have ate all of them!" Gunha scowled. He had eaten the plane's entire stock of peanuts. Miktoto's bag was the last one. 

"But I'm starving!" he protested. "You know I have a high metobalism!" Mikoto huffed with anger, then looked out the window. They were on a plane, headed to America. They knew English, thankfully, so nobody would get confused.

Gunha flashed her a final glare before turning back to his video game. Kuroko had managed to get them First Class. Imagine that. 

Shizuri was reading a book about the American Revolution. Misaki had her eyes closed and was listening to music on her music player, while Kuroko was badgering the pilot. "You're not flying it right!" Mikoto heard her scold. The pilot grumbled something that kids shouldn't be allowed to hear, and Kuroko gasped.

Now, you must be wondering how this happened. Mikoto was wondering that herself. She groaned as she remembered the conversation.

"Oh, come on Sissy! It'll be fun!" Kuroko pleaded, her brown eyes desperate. "I already paid for the plane!" Mikoto scowled down at her small figure. "Why is Shizuri and Misaki coming?" Kuroko huffed with indignition. "They claim their trustworthy, and besides, if they're not, we can take em'!" Mikoto snorted. But she knew that Kuroko was going no matter what, and she didn't want her to go be herself. She sighed in defeat, and Kuroko jumped up and down with glee. "Yay! Now, I'm going to call Gunha! He owes me five!" she ran off in the direction of the dorm, and Mikoto rolled her eyes.

"I had to say yes, didn't I?" she grumbled to herself. Gunha overheard it. "Yes, you did." he said without taking his eyes off the screen, his fingers moving in a blur across the controller. Mikoto sighed and got up, walking towards the bathroom. She saw Shizuri watching her out of the corner of her eye, and suspicion rose up inside of her. 

Kuroko had stalked out of the pilot's...whatever you call it...where he flies the- nevermind. She walked out of there, and saw Mikoto headed to the little room. 'Sissy, wait!" she called. "Let me make sure it's safe!" 

Mikoto sighed, again, as she let Kuroko past her to make sure there wasn't a zombie in the toilet. There was'nt, and when Mikoto was done and opening the door, she saw Kuroko had her ear pressed against it. Mikoto's eye twitched, but she didn't say anything. She knew all that would happen is Kuroko giving a love speech.

"Look!" Gunha called suddenly. "It's Jump City!" Mikoto darted to the nearest window and gasped. The city was beautiful. She heard Misaki let out a happy squee. "There's Titans Tower!" she yelled. Shizuri rolled her eyes, but she was also looking at the T-shaped building, so Mikoto could tell she was impressed.

The pilot's voice rang out over the intercom. "Everyone, sit down and buckle up. Prepare for landing."

Sorry that was short! I'm not good with beginnings.

Picture of the airplane to the right

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