Titan, Go!

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I don't own A certain Magical Index, A Certain Scientific Railgun, or Teen Titans.

Robin yawned and scratched his ruffled black hair. He had fallen asleep in the couch.... with Starfire on his chest.

Robin gave a yelp of surprise and tried to squirm out from under her, but he was still half asleep, and the Tamaranian had an iron grip. Panic was starting to set in his mind, and he had a sheen of sweat on his forehead. If he got caught like this.... ideas would be spoken.

His eyes desperately scanned the room for something he could use to pry his girlfriend off of him, but he was too late. He heard a loud, mocking laugh. "Oh, dude!" he turned beet red as he saw Beast Boy and Cyborg standing behind him, holding their stomachs with laughter. No sound was coming out of Cyborg's mouth, he was just clapping like a retarded seal. Robin shook his head violently. "I-It's not what it looks like!"

Beast Boy was on his knees. "Yeah, suure dude!" he said, adding emphasis on the 'sure'. "Whatever you say!"

Anger pulsed through the Boy Wonder. "Look, can you just help me get her off before she wakes up?" he asked.

No such luck. Starfire's beautiful green eyes fluttered open. She stretched her arms, then turned to Beast Boy and Cyborg with a grin.

"Hello, friend Cyborg and Boy of Beast! Robin was just teaching me a new game!" Beast Boy and Cyborg, who had by this point calmed down, burst out laughing again. "I can't, it's just, oh!" Beast Boy howled.

Robin pushed his girlfriend off. "No, I was teaching her how to play Sumo Slammers!" he said franticcly, his neck turning red as well. Obvious much?

Cyborg picked himself off the floor and wiped a tear away from his good eye. "It's fine, little dude!" he gasped. He walked over to the kitchen and turned on the stove. Robin groaned and put his face in his gloved hands. He was an idiot... big time.

He looked back towards the TV. It was on pause. He smiled slightly as he remembered last night. Starfire had made the little person on the screen run in circles, shooting at random podestrians. The alarm sounded, and he stood up, wobbling a little on his still-asleep legs. "Crime alert." he said, and ran towards the door. "Beast Boy, get Raven!" he yelled over his shoulder.

Robin reached his R-Cycle and took off.


Misaka grinned as the five travelers exited the air port. She was dragging her large red suit case behind her. Shizuri and Misaki were deep in conversation; Probably about the Teen Titans, Mikoto mused. Gunha was sipping a smoothie while he read the signs they were passing. Mikoto looked down at the pamphlet they'd been given.

Lonestar Resort it said. Teen Titan's choice of hotels. She almost laughed out loud. The titans... they were a big deal here, weren't they? She looked at the location, then the nearest sign. They had two more miles left to walk. Mikoto sighed.

Two miles later, they reached a sky scraper-like building. It was made entirely of tinted glass.

Her head, along with everyone else's, snapped up as she heard a commotion. There was screaming and then the glass that was the hotel shattered. Gunha made a choking noise as he choked on his smoothie. Millions of tiny shards of glass rained down on them as a massive stone monster walked out from behind the destroyed building. His face was emotionless.

Looking over, she saw that Kuroko's face was a mask of fury. "Do you know how much I paid for that hotel?" she screamed.

Mikoto rolled her eyes and out stretched her arm. Instantly, a blast of electricity shot out of her fingers and hit him in the shoulder. The monster stumbled, then turned to the five students. And lumbered towards them.

Picture of the monster ot the right

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