Dragon Attack

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Hello! As usual, I own nothing but Ari.


"Awesome!" Gunha yelled as he spiked the volleyball over the net. Mikoto took a step back and set it to Kuroko, who bumped it back over the net. Misaki, who was on Gunha's team, dived for the ball and hit it back over the net.

The espers, not counting Mugino, who was still inside, were playing a game of volleyball on the roof of Titans Tower. Winning team plays the unbeatable Beast Boy and Starfire. It was five to three, Gunha and Misaki with five. 

Mikoto ran to the net, jumped, and blocked Misaki's spike. The blond was shocked, and fell back, letting the ball touch the ground. 

"Yeah, our ball!" Kuroko yelled gleefully. Gunha scowled and tossed the ball under the net. Mikoto caught it and went to the back of the court to serve. Narrowing her eyes, ahe held the volleyball out in front of her, and pulled her arm back. She threw the ball into the air, and spiked it. The ball went to the middle of Gunha and Mugino's side, and Gunha quickly was under the ball and bumped it over.

Kuroko set it to Mikoto, and Mikoto spiked it over the net. Misaki set it back over,and Mikoto almost missed it, saving it only by diving at popping it straight up, where Kuroko bumped it back to the other side. "Haha,revenge!" Misaki yelled as Gunha set it to her. Misaki, so caught up in her 'revenge' got hit square in the cheek. She gasped, and Gunha winced.

The score was tied, and Kuroko was serving. Underhand serving. Mikoto didn't watch; she was gazing at the sky. There was a speck that was getting bigger and bigger. She didn't notice when Kuroko made it in and won. The speck was starting to take the shape of a big lizard. "Uh, guys?" she said nervously.

Kuroko turned to her. 'Sissy! We won!" she followed Mikoto's gaze, and her flew open in alarm. "Look out!" she screamed as the thing swooped closer. Mikoto gasped. It looked like a dragon.


"Look out!" the Level 4 esper screamed as Boomer got closer. The other teens looked up and assumed a fighting stance. Robin, (Ari knew of the Teen Titans, courtsey to Slade) got out his metal bo-staff, and Boomer almost laughed out loud. Seriously? If you used you esper power,you could beat me in an instant! It was true, Boomer, in this dragon form, could tell what a super-powered being's ability was. For instance, the Level 4 was a teleporter, the black haired Level 5 was an explosion creator, and Robin was a-

The Level 5 with chestnut hair pointed a finger at her and sent a blast of electricity at her. It bounced of harmlessly. The girl's eyes widened, and Boomer chuckled to herself. Foolish girl. This dragon's scaled do not conduct electricity. Boomer opened her mouth and sent sonic waves at the group, causing them to be blasted back. The teleporter and Cyborg were blasted off the tower, but the teleporter teleported back on to the roof and Starfire managed to get Cyborg.

Boomer flied lower and let loose more sonic waves.  The teenagers were blasted back, and Robin, the blond level 5, and the teleporter covered their ears. Cyborg morphed his arm into a cannon and shot blue rays at her. Boomer dodged it. This dragon was fast, and her brain processed things more quickly than human's do, so she could react faster.

Starfire's eye glowed green and she flew up to where Boomer was. She threw three starbolts at her, but Boomer sent then blasting back at her with another sonic boom. She saw the black haired level 5 assume a karate like stance  and close his eyes. Boomer stopped in midair, confused at what he was trying to do. Suddenly, his eyes flew open and he threw out his fist. "Amazing punch!" he yelled, and a massive explosion was thrown at her. Boomer widened her eyes as she was thrown back. Her wing was on fire, literally. Panic settling in her, Boomer franticcly tried to use her good wing to steer herself towards the ocean. As she landed in the sea, the fire went out, which was good, but the salty water gor her wound, which was bad, because it hurt like crazy. Boomer gritted her teeth in pain.

Boomer forced herself to turn back to her human form, and Ari appeared at the surface, sputtering and coughing. Thankfully, her wound was gone; injuries sustained to her in dragon form didn't affect any of her other forms. Unfortunately, when Ari went Boomer, she would have that injury. Ari glared at the T-shaped tower in front of her. Boomer was the only dragon she had that could fly! Sighing, Ari looked around. She might be able to swim back into Jump City, but that would tire her out. Groaning, she swam in the direction of the tower.


Robin groaned as he flopped on to the couch. His ears were ringing fromthe sonic waves emitted by the lizard. Yes, lizard. He stubbornly refused to believe it was a dragin, despite what everyone else was saying. Mikoto sat on the couch next to him, rubbing her eyes. "It can't conduct electricty." she mumbled to herself. "Great. Just great!" 

Robin heard an alarm, and he looked up at the TV screen. A soaking wet girl with brown hair was standing at the door, shivering. Robin looked at Cyborg. "Let her in." he said, and the cybernetic man nodded.

Cyborg came back with the girl. She was wearing a black sleeveless shirt with a white picture of a skull on it, with torn black leggings and black combat boots. Raven looked her up and down. "Nice outfir." she said sincerely. The girl nodded.

She looked around. "Sweet place," she said, more to herself than to the others. Starfire handed her a towel, which the girl took gratefully. Starfire stood in front of her. "Tell me friend," she said. "What is your name?" the girl hesitated before answering. "My name is Ari." she said at last. Then she winced.

Robin stood up with the ringing still in his ears. "So, Ari," he said, "Why are you all wet?" Ari's green eyes held a look of amused shock for a moment, then it dissapeared. "I fell from my father's helicopter." she said quickly. "He didn't notice, and I was to far away from shore to swim." 

Robin nodded, then looked around. He saw Gunha staring at her with his pupils large; Robin imagined there would be hearts in them, if that were possible. "Gunha, show Ari where the bathroom is." he said. Gunha flashed him a look of gratitude before running to Ari. "Follow me, m'lady." he said cheerfully, adding a little bow. Ari flashed Robin a look that said, 'Is this guy for real?' Robin shrugged. Sighing, Ari followed Gunha into the hall.

Mikoto had appeared behind him. "She's friendly." she remarked sarcasticly. Robin narrowed his masked eyes. "I don't know. She showed up at a weird time..." Mikoto punched his hsoulder playfully. "Lighten up, bird boy! It was a coincidence, does she look like a dragon to you?"

Little did they know...........


A/N; Hello! That was, like, dragon-tastic!

Hmm.... I kinda like Ari and Gunha.... thats going to come up again 3:)

Picture of Ari to the right!

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