Welcome to the Tower

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I do not own A Certain Scientific Railgun (ACSR), A Certain Magical Index (ACMI), or Teen Titans.

Robin, with the team behind him, reached what was once Lonestar Plaza. Cinderblock had just destroyed the hotel. A short, red heaed girl screamed something, and Robin desperately tried to send a telepathic message to her. Move move move! He screamed mentally at the girl. Then, to the team's shock, another girl, one with shoulder-length chesnut hair, outstretched her arm and sent a bolt of electricity at Cinderblock.

Robin widened my eyes behind his mask, then shook his head. "Titans, go!" he yelled, then jumped off the building he was perched on. Robin landed on the ground; it wasn't that tall of a building. He took out a birdarang from his utility belt, and flung it at the beast just as the girl with tea-colored hair sent a bolt of green lightning-like rays at Cinderblock, cracking his shoulder, and with the explosion of the birdarang, sent a chunck of it sliding off.

Starfire flew above his head and sent an array of starbolts at him, her green eyes glowing. Cinderblock threw out his massive arm and struck Starfire in the chest. She let out an 'oof' and crashed to the ground, landing on a car.

The electric-girl pointe her finger at Cinderblock, and another wave of electricity made Cinderblock stagger. He romped towards her, and the girl took out an arcade coin. Electricity crackling through her arm, she flipped the coin; and it shot forward with speed that would have bested Kid Flash. The coin hit Cinderblock square in the chest, causing the concrete monster to crash to the ground.

Robin, with Cyborg just behind him, jogged over to Cinderblock and the other teenagers. The girl that had shot the coin smiled smugly. Robin smiled slightly. "Hi. I'm Robin." The girl with blond hair's eyes widened in shock and glee as a I continued, pointing to each of my teammates as I spoke their name. "That's Starfire, Cyborg, Beast Boy and Raven."

Recognition flashed in her eyes as they landed on Raven. "Oh, well, I'm Misaka Mikoto." she said, reverting her gaze back to Robin. The boy with black hair popped up behind him, soot streaking his face. "I'm Sogiita Gunha." he said. Mikoto elbowed him in the stomach, and doubled over. Mikoto rolled her eyes. "The girl with red hair is Shirai Kuroko, the girl with tea-colored hair is Mugino Shizuri, and the girl staring at you like you're God is Shokuhou Misaki." Sure enough, the girl with blond hair, Misaki, was staring at him, moving her mouth but no sound was coming out.

Starfire flew forward to Mikoto and gave her a bone-crushing hug. "Hello! Where are you from, how did you get here, and would you like to be my friend?" she asked. Mikoto gasped for air. "Hi, Academy City, flew in a plane, and blue!" Starfire let go of her, letting her breathe. The red headed girl, Kuroko, picked up a shard of glass amd sighed. "This was were we're supposed to stay...." she said glumly.

Beast Boy, estatic at the sight of Kuroko, quickly jumped in to help. "You can stay at the tower! We have food, water, all the nessaceleries!" he said, and Kuroko blinked in shock. Gunha stifled a laugh, and Mikoto raised an eye brow at Robin. He sighed. "Sure, we have room."


"Wow..." Mikoto breathed as they entered the main room. There was a massive couch, in front of a massive TV. It was paused on Sumo Slammers. "Hey, I know that game!" Gunha piped up as he and Mugino entered the Tower, as well. Kuroko let out a squel. "Oh, Biri-Biri! This place is better than the hotel!" As Starfire offered to show her the room she would be staying in, (to which she gladly agreed) Robin walked up to Mikoto. "Biri-Biri?" he asked, the word 'confusion' written across his face. Mikoto shrugged.

"it's a Japenese onomatopoeia for electricity." she explained and Robin nodded.

Beast Boy was following Kuroko around with love in his eyes. I almost laughed out loud. Like Kuroko would go for someone the opposite gender. There was as much a chance of that as there was of it raining on the sun.

Robin began to walk toward the automatic door. "I'll show you to your room." He said, and Mikoto followed him.

Robin lead her to a room that was the definition of awesome. It had the night sky painted on the ceiling, and the bed was just... Perfect. Robin's voice was by her ear, making Mikoto jump. "This was someone else's room, once." He said, regret in his voice. His mask was covering his eyes, but Mikoto could guess what they had in them; sadness

Picture of the move Mikoto moved, otherwise known as Railgun, to the right!

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