Meltdowner Vs. Johnny Rancid

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I don't own ACMI, ACSR, or Teen Titans. (And I guess I should start putting Fairy Tail here, too...)

Moikoto watched Ari jump out of thee Tower with a shocked look on her face. "W-what is she?" she stuttered.  Shizuri looked shocked as well, and spoke her first words since the moment they'd entered the Tower; "I don't know."

Robin was still looking out the window. "Well, whatever she is," he said. "She's a criminal, and she has to be stopped."

"How?" Cyborg asked. "he could be anywhere by now" Robin said nothing, juts shook his head. "e split up in pairs to search the city. Starfire, you go with Misaki, Beast Boy, you go with Gunha, Raven, you go with Shizuri, Cyborg, you go with Kuroko, and I'll go with Mikoto."     

"Awesome!" Gunha said, high fiving Beast Boy. The two raced for the hole in the window; Beast Boy turned into an eagle an carried Gunha with his talons. Cyborg and Kuroko walked for the automatic door, with Raven, Shizuri, and Mikoto following. Mikoto looked behind her. "Robin, are you coming?" she asked. Robin said nothing, just followed her.


"So, what do we do first?" Gunha yelled over the wind. Beast Boy tried to say, "I don't know!" But it came out as, "Cacaw scree!" Gunha scanned the ground below him. "I know!" he  yelled. How about we go see if she's at the Pizza Corner?" Beast Boy nodded estaticly, then, shifting his tail feathers to the wind, ruddered in the direction of Pizza Corner.

Beast Boy dropped Gunha to the ground, before laanding as a human. The two picked the same table Robin and Mikoto had, and sat down. "Um.." Beast Boy said. "I'd like the vegetarian meal, please." he said, handing the waitress the menu. Gunha stared at him. "Y-you didn't order meat supreme?" he asked, shocked. Beast Boy scoffed.

"You sound like Cyborg." he snorted. "I've been most of those animals!" Gunha shrugged. He had a point.

"Come on!" Kuroko yelled to Cyborg, who was running beside her. "If we hurry, we can catch up to her!" The teleporter's shoes were pounding the cement road. Cyborg looked at her with shock. "C-Can't we slow down!?" he asked. "I need to save my ener- never mind." he said quickly as Kuroko flashed him a death glare.

Kuroko rolled her eyes. "Whatever. we need to hur- whoah!" she yelled as she tripped. Cyborg grabbed her arm before she could land in a dirty, muddy puddle. Kuroko brushed off her skirt. "Thanks." she muttered, bbefore running again. "Do you know of any places where she could hide?" she asked him. Cyborg thought. "Well... there's the Hive's old place, but I doubt they'd trust anybody else, not since their leader left to be a hero." he thought some more. "There's the harbour.... we should check ther- hey!" But Kuroko had already teleported.

Shizuri and Ravenad simply gone through a portal after they'd left the Tower, and were now on the south side of Jump City. "Come on," Raven said in her usual monotone voice. "We should get moving." the two walked through China Town; a knock-off of the New York popular place. Their were chinese.... well, everything. People, stores, restraunts.....

The two were looking for any sign of the Shiftor. Their eyes earched ev ry crack, every store window. To no avail. Until a certain black haired motorcyclist sped past them. "Hey, watch it!" Shizuri yelled after him, Raven was watching the figure. "That's Johnny Rancid...." there was an alarm. "And he just comitted a crime. Come on!" Raven rose into the air and flew after Johnny, with Shizuri running at top speed after them.

 Johnny laughed and fired a gun into the air, scattering the podestrians that had not yet fled the streets. Raven flew in front of him, facing him. "Azarath, Metrion, ZINTHOS!" she yelled, and a blast of dark energy shot from her hands. Johnny dodged the blow, and sent a red energy restraint at raven, which caught her chest and sent her crashing to the ground. Her impact with the ground left a large crater.  

 Shizuri, who by this time had caught up with Johnny, stopped when she saw Raven crash. Anger pulsed through her as Johnny laughed maniacly. She pointed her finger at his bike, and a green lightning bolt-like thing blasted the engine, melting it instantly. Johnny looked down in shock, then back at Shizuri, his face a mask of fury. He threw a red beam of energy at her. Shizuri put out her hand, and created a shield of light that disintergrated the beam on contact. Johnny looked shocked.

"How are you doing that?" he asked. Shizuri sneered. "Simple. I can manipulate electrons. And since they can be both particle and wave, when they strike other objects they cannot react as a particle or wave, and since they are 'stopped', you could say, they form a high-speed beam of energgy, which can melt through solid objects. So, I can do this." she pointed her finger at his chest, and fired the beam of energy again, Johnny dodged it, falling off the bike in his doing so. 

He quickly got up and fired his gun at her. She dodged the bullet, then sent another blast of energy at him. In his effort to dodge, he tripped over his own feet and crashed to the ground.

Shizuri jogged over to where he had fallen and glared down at him. "You're lucky I don't want to kill you." she said coldly, then slammed her foot on his head, knocking him out. She walked over to where Raven lay uncousious, and helped her up. Then, with Raven leaning on Shizuri, limped back the way they had came

Starfire and Misaki had flew to Jump City; and they had reached the center of town. Starfire sat down Misaki gently before landing herself. The duo looked around. "Where do you think we shall go?" Starfire asked

 Misaki shrugged. "We could-" she started to say, before they heard an explosion. They both looked at each other in shock, then ran in the direction of the sound. Misaki's heart pounded in her chest as she struggled to keep up with Starfire, who was flying above her. The two skidded to a stop as they saw Shizuri walk out of an ally with Raven leaning on her. Starfire gasped.

"Friend Raven, what has happpened to you?" she asked, horror in her eyes. 

"Nothing Starfire. Johnny Rancid just made me fall." she said. Starfire frowned. "Then why do you seem so of the hurt?" she asked. Raven winced as she tried to move her leg to walk over to her. Starfire glanced down at it, and gasped again as she saw it was twisted in an awkward angle. 

"Come, Raven. We must get you back to the Tower so we can-" Raven cut her off.

"I just need my spellbook. I can hel most of it." she deadpanned. Starfire hesitated, then nodded. "Very well." she sighed. "But at least let me carry you."

A/N; Hello! Don't forget to vote and comment! And picture of Shizuri to the side!

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